elvisthermo / Go-Lang-Introducao

Este projeto foi criado como um meio de entender e aprofundar meus conhecimentos na linguagem de programação Go.

Repository from Github https://github.comelvisthermo/Go-Lang-IntroducaoRepository from Github https://github.comelvisthermo/Go-Lang-Introducao

Go Lang Introdução

Read this page in portuguese

This project was created as a means of understanding and deepening my knowledge of the Go programming language. Here you will find basic examples and step-by-step instructions on how to implement basic functions, including but not limited to, variable declaration, loops, and conditionals.

How to use

To use the code, download the project and read the commented source code. You can use the available tools to compile and run the .go files.

go run 'file name'


Feel free to open pull requests if you have any code to contribute or if you want to contribute with comments and suggestions.


This project is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Este projeto foi criado como um meio de entender e aprofundar meus conhecimentos na linguagem de programação Go.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%