To excute all projects below, you have to install Node.js, NPM enviroment, download Expo in your mobile store and an editor, like Visual Studio Code.
After cloning this project to your computer, install all dependencies needed to backend, frontend and aircnc mobile app (separately), typing in your terminal like below.
$ aircnc-app
$ cd backend
$ npm i
To start the API, run the following command on your terminal.
$ npm run dev
Install all dependency, typing in your terminal...
$ aircnc-app
$ cd frontend
$ npm i
Starting the frontend app. Type in your terminal ...
$ npm start
Open your browser and type http://localhost:3000.
Install all dependency, typing in your terminal...
$ aircnc-app
$ cd aircnc
$ npm i
$ npm start
An Expo web browser tools will open atomatically in your default browser. To start the mobile app you must have open your Expo app and scan the QR Code from the Expo browser tool.
After scan the QR Code the aircnc app will be shown in your smartphone or virtual smartphone if you decided for.