Elson Otake's starred repositories
The ToDoList app let you create a task, added to a list of task, mark it as complete, and delete individual or multiple tasks at the same time. The app manipulate the Local-Storag so you can save your tasks there. Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. First practice using Webpack, Modules and tests with Jest
In this project I made an interactive To-Do List where the user can add, remove and check daily tasks. All changes are saved in local storage. HTML/CSS/JS.
In this project, an exotic car rental website was made, it mixes great design and functionality and a luxury backend
A console app will help you to keep a record of books, music albums, movies, and games. JSON files store the data. Build with Ruby, PostgreSQL, and Rspec.
Web application for a company that provides space travel services. Build with React, Redux, and JavaScript.
Kobana_Boletos is a Rails application performing CRUD using an external API without persisting data in the local database table.
Search engine is a real-time articles search box. Have analytics that displays what users were searching.
is an information-sharing project related to API authentication. The data from this application supports the article created on Medium with API authentication tips.
It is an information-sharing project related to API documentation. The data from this repo supports the article created on Medium with API documentation tips
Exercise for take-home activity. Application to schedule a thirty-minute time with a coach in an available schedule.
A real-time update Single-Page Application. The user can pick a date and book an appointment.
In this project, an exotic car rental website was made, it mixes great design and functionality and a luxury backend
Book exotic vehicles website. React consumes data from a Ruby on Rails API. It allows users to register and make reservations. Build with React, Ruby on Rails, and PostgreSQL.
Exercise for take-home activity. Consume data from posts via API and return the result with the number of points in the bowling alley.
Geolocation comprises a set of tests to better understand the use of maps. Geographic location and map display resources were explored using Google Maps and Mapbox.
Exercise for take-home activity. An application that helps users monitor their Ethereum wallets.
Exercise for take-home activity. Tests created for existing drugs. Refactor Javascript code. Add new medicine.
Application created for testing Rails features, such as Turbo Rails, Stimulus, and Action mailer. Styled using Bulma.