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Ensign Technical Assessment 2023

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Ensign Technical Assignment

Assignment 1


  1. Implement given design (design.png) in HTML and CSS.
  2. Try to come up with your own solution and do not use any CSS framework. The content can be hardcoded and you can use any font and images.
  3. The design is not responsive, but you can make it responsive if you want to.

Assumptions made:

  1. The design is responsive.
  2. Solution for non-mobile view is with HTML and CSS. (no JS)
  3. Solution for mobile view allows for JS. (as it is a bonus)

Technical decisions:

  1. The design is implemented using flexbox since it is easier to implement and maintain.
  2. Children within (<body>) consist of (<header>) and (<main>) since there is no footer based on the design.
  3. Used CSS variables for colors and font sizes. (for easy customization)
  4. Used JS for pagination during mobile view. (using jQuery)

Instructions on how to run:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open assignment1 folder.
  3. Open index.html in a browser.


a. Desktop view:

Screenshot of assignment 1 page web view

b. Responsive view:

Screenshot of assignment 1 page web view

Assignment 2 (Create a shopping cart)

Shopping Cart Requirements

  • A ​main page​ that show multiple products
  • When product page is clicked, it will go to a separate product ​detail page​
  • Product ​detail page​ will have add to cart
  • When "​Add to cart button​" is clicked, it will update the cart icon to have number of the product in the cart
  • A ​cart page​ will list the products which are added to the cart
  • Cart page will calculate the total amount needed to be paid
  • Cart will allow the change of quantity and removal of products
  • Use ReactJs for this assignment
  • Use https://fakestoreapi.com for retrieval of products


  • Write meaningful test cases only on cart page using jest and react-testing-library.
  • Persist data of shopping cart even when browser is closed and reopen.
  • Beautify the UI using tailwindcss framework
  • Surprise Us :)

Clarifications asked:

  1. There are 3 pages in total:
  • / (main page showing multiple products)
  • / [slug] (separate product detail page)
  • / cart (cart page)
    Answer: Yes
  1. Use other libraries? i.e. Axios
    Answer: Yes, free to use any libraries to achieve objective.

Technical decisions:

A. Pages:

  1. Product page (app/page.js), getData() async function was used to fetch data from the API and store it in products state. Then map() to iterate through the products state and display the data in the UI.
  • Tailwind grid was used to display the products in a grid. So that the products are displayed in a responsive manner.
  1. Product Detail page (app/product/[slug]/page.js), nextJS's [slug] feature was used to create dynamic routes. Async function getProduct() was also used to generate the product based on the slug. Page is an async function because it uses getProduct() to fetch data from the API and store it in data state.
  2. Cart page (app/cart/page.js), it uses useEffect to get the cart items from localStorage, it then uses object.values() to get the values of the cartItems object, cartItems.reduce() and .map() to iterate through the cartItems, group them and display the data in the UI. Functions used within Cart page are:
    1. calculateTotalPrice(): calculates the total price of the items in the cart
    2. increaseQuantity(): increases the quantity of the item in the cart
    3. decreaseQuantity(): decreases the quantity of the item in the cart
    4. clearCart(): clears the cart

B. Reusable Components:

  1. Navbar component (app/components/navbar.js), it uses useEffect() to get the cart items from localStorage and updates the cart icon with the number of items in the cart accordingly.
  2. Footer component (app/components/footer.js), it is a simple footer component.
  3. Layout component (app/layout.js), it is a simple layout component that wraps the children components (i.e. different pages).

C. Styling:

  1. TailwindCSS was used for styling.
  2. global.css was used to import the tailwindcss styles and to add custom styles.
  3. Mainly, Tailwind classNames were used to style the components.
  4. Grid was used to display the products page in a responsive manner.
  5. Flex and divs were mainly used in this project.

D. Data Persistence:

  1. LocalStorage was used to store the cart items.
  2. Onload, the cart items are retrieved from localStorage and stored in the cartItems state.
  3. Any changes to the cartItems state will be saved to localStorage.

D. Other Packages:

  1. react-icons was used for the icons used.
  2. jest and react-testing-library was used for testing.
  3. react-simple-star-rating was used for the star rating within app/product/[slug]/page.js

Instructions on how to run:

# Clone the repository
git clone
# Open assignment2 folder
cd assignment2
# Install dependencies
npm i
# Run the development server
npm run dev
# Open http://localhost:3000 in a browser

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


a. Products page:

Products page

b. Product Detail page:

Product Detail page

c. Cart page: Cart page


Ensign Technical Assessment 2023


Language:JavaScript 55.6%Language:HTML 29.5%Language:CSS 14.9%