elmarsto / obsidian-nix

Bootleg Nix derivation to use the latest Obsidian based on the appimage

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Obsidian.md AppImage Installer for NixOS

This Nix derivation (e.g. what in dpkg and apt is called a 'package') for https://obsidian.md, appImage edition.

It's generally a lot fresher than the standard Obsidian found in the Nix repo.

My recommendation for NixOS is to install this in the usual fashion, via editing of /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, with the nix file ends up living at /etc/nixos/packages/obsidian.nix.

Your let-statement might now look something like:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  # ...
  obsidian = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/obsidian.nix {};
in {
#  ...

And then later, in the same file, under environment.systemPackages:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# ...
# ...

If you just want to build it and take a look at the build result, you can of course do that with nix-build ./obsidian.nix in this directory.

(It appears as a symlink named 'result')


Bootleg Nix derivation to use the latest Obsidian based on the appimage


Language:Nix 100.0%