ellhn / Talk-Talk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Contact Manager

This task project is about showing a list of contacts, showing their full name, email and profile photo. The user has the ability to click on each contact to see more granular details. The user should also has the ability to add new contacts. ##Some tech points This mini project is using Angular 1.6.1 and has based its architecture on components; moreover, there is no use of ng-controller directive. The site is fully responsive and its layout is based upon Bootstrap and SCSS. There is minor use of ES6, the unit testing has been done through Karma and Jasmine and the end to end testing through Protractor ##The following have to be installed in the local machine

  • Git
  • NodeJS
  • Java
  • Gulp
  • Karma
  • Protractor

##Installing and running

Open a git bash window and clone the Github repository to the local machine by:

$ git clone https://github.com/ellhn/Talk-Talk.git


$ cd Talk-Talk

and let Gulp do the rest...

$ gulp

##Unit Testing From the working directory, just run:

$ karma start

##End to end testing From the working directory, run:

$ webdriver-manager start

as to start the Selenium server and at the same time open a new bash window, go again to the working directory and type:

$ cd E2eTesting

$ protractor conf.js



Language:JavaScript 60.9%Language:HTML 22.1%Language:CSS 17.0%