eliyazsyed22 / azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1

Azure DevOps App1 Demo with AKS, Github and Azure Containter Registry

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

title description
Azure DevOps Build, Push Docker Image to ACR
Create Azure Pipeline to Build and Push Docker Image to Azure Container Registry

Azure DevOps - Build and Push Docker Image to Azure Container Registry

Step-01: Introduction

  • Understand Azure DevOps Basics
  • Understand Azure Pipelines
  • Implement a pipeline to Build and Push Docker Image to Azure Container Registry


Step-02: Create Github Project and Check-In Code

Create Github Repo in Github

  • Name: azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1
  • Description: Azure DevOps App1 Demo with AKS, Github and Azure Containter Registry
  • Repo Type: Public / Private (Your choice)
  • Click on Create Repository

Create Local Git Repo and Check-In Code

  • Create Local folders
# Create a folder for all Repos we are going to create 
mkdir azure-devops-aks-demo-repos
cd azure-devops-aks-demo-repos

# Create a Directory for Repo
mkdir azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1
cd azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1
  • Copy all files from Giti-Repository-files folder to our new repo folder azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1
# Initialize Git Repo
cd azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1
git init

# Do local Commit
echo "# Azure DevOps App1 Demo with AKS, Github and ACR" >> README.md
git add .
git commit -am "V1 Base Commit"

# Link Github Remote Repository
git remote add origin https://github.com/stacksimplify/azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1.git

# Push to Remote Repository
git push --set-upstream origin master

# Go to Github Repo - Refresh and check files appeared in githbu repo

Step-03: Review github checked-in files

  • kube-manifests
  • Dockerfile
  • index.html

Step-04: Create Azure Container Registry ACR

  • Go to Services -> Container Registries
  • Click on Add
  • Subscription: StackSimplify-Paid-Subsciption
  • Resource Group: acr-rg1
  • Registry Name: aksdevopsacr (NAME should be unique across Azure Cloud)
  • Location: Central US
  • SKU: Basic (Pricing Note: $0.167 per day)
  • Click on Review + Create
  • Click on Create

Step-05: Creat DevOps Organization

  • Go to
  • Our Organization will be automatically created and if you want to manually create organization you can create one.
  • Organization Name: aksdemo1

Step-06 : Create DevOps Project

  • Project Name: azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1
  • Project Description: AKS CICD Pipelines with Github and Azure Container Registry ACR
  • Visibility: Private
  • Advanced: Leave to defaults
    • Version Control: Git
    • Work Item Process: Basic

Step-07: Create Basic Build Pipeline

  • Create Folder -> App1-Pipelines
  • Go to Pipelines -> Create New Pipeline
  • Where is your Code?: Github
  • Select Repository: azure-devops-github-acr-aks-app1
    • Provide Github Password
    • Click on Approve and Install for Repositories selected
  • Configure Your Pipeline: Docker (Build and Push Image to Azure Container Registry )
  • Select an Azure Subscription: stacksimplify-paid-subscription
  • Continue (Login as admin user)
  • Container Registry: aksdevopsacr
  • Image Name: app1-nginx
  • Dockerfile: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile
  • Click on Validate and Configure
  • Change Pipeline Name: 01-docker-build-and-push-to-acr-pipeline.yml
  • Click on Save and Run
  • Commit Message: Pipeline-1: Docker Build and Push to ACR
  • Commit directly to master branch: check
  • Click on Save and Run

Step-08: Review Build Logs & Docker Image in ACR

  • Review Build logs
  • Review Image in ACR

Step-09: Rename Pipeline Name

  • Click on Pipeline -> Rename/Move
  • Name: 01-Docker-Build-and-Push-to-ACR

Step-10: Make changes to index.html and push changes to git repo - V2 Commit

# Pull changes related to pipeline to local repo
git pull
ls -lrt

# Make changes to index.html
index.html file - change version v2

# Push changes
git add .
git commit -am "V2 Commit for index.html"
git push
  • Verify Build logs
  • Verify ACR Image

Step-12: Add Namespace for Docker Images stored in ACR

  • Go to Pipeline -> 01-Docker-Build-and-Push-to-ACR -> Edit
  • Update the below and Save
# Before
  imageRepository: 'app1nginx'

# After
  imageRepository: 'app1/app1nginx'  
  • Verify Build logs
  • Verify ACR Image

Step-13: Make changes to index.html and push changes to git repo - V3 Commit

# Pull changes related to pipeline to local repo
git pull
ls -lrt

# Make changes to index.html
index.html file - change version v3

# Push changes
git add .
git commit -am "V3 Commit for index.html"
git push
  • Verify Build logs
  • Verify ACR Image

Step-14: Disable Pipeline

  • Go to Pipeline -> 01-Docker-Build-and-Push-to-ACR -> Settings -> Disable

Step-15: Review Pipeline code

  • Click on Pipeline -> Edit Pipeline
  • Review pipeline code
  • Review Service Connections
# Docker
# Build and push an image to Azure Container Registry
# https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/languages/docker

- master

- repo: self

  # Container registry service connection established during pipeline creation
  dockerRegistryServiceConnection: '6a8843fd-7313-48e2-9381-3f9ef59ce82d' ## Review Service Connections
  imageRepository: 'app1/app1nginx'
  containerRegistry: 'aksdevopsacr.azurecr.io'
  dockerfilePath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile'
  tag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
  # Agent VM image name
  vmImageName: 'ubuntu-latest'

- stage: Build
  displayName: Build and push stage
  - job: Build
    displayName: Build
      vmImage: $(vmImageName)
    - task: Docker@2
      displayName: Build and push an image to container registry
        command: buildAndPush
        repository: $(imageRepository)
        dockerfile: $(dockerfilePath)
        containerRegistry: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection)
        tags: |



Azure DevOps App1 Demo with AKS, Github and Azure Containter Registry


Language:HTML 83.2%Language:Dockerfile 16.8%