elhardoum / twitter-auth

Simple Flask app for authenticating Twitter users. Saves credentials to a file

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Twitter Auth

Simple Flask app for authenticating Twitter users. Saves credentials to a file


# clone repo
mkdir ~/python-projects && cd $_
git clone https://github.com/elhardoum/twitter-auth && cd twitter-auth

# env setup
virtualenv -p python3 env

# activate env
source env/bin/activate

# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements # or just: `pip install flask tweepy` as those are the 2 deps required


Open the config.py and put your app consumer key and secret there. There are other settings which are optional.

You can run the app with this command:

env FLASK_APP=server.py FLASK_ENV=development flask run --port {desired_port} --host {your_machine_ip}

Make sure to replace {desired_port} with a random valid port number, e.g 4322

And replace {your_machine_ip} with your IP, you can find the IP quickly with hostname -I or curl icanhazip.com


To run the app forever, you need to have the command run in a detached state (in the background). There are so many ways, let's do nohup:

nohup env FLASK_APP=server.py FLASK_ENV=development flask run --port {desired_port} --host {your_machine_ip} &> /tmp/flask.log&

Now watch /tmp/flask.log for the logs.

Once you know your app URL, you can whitelist it in the Twitter app settings, as a callback URL.

Next, direct your users to the endpoint /authenticate (http://{ip}:{port}/authenticate) to authenticate.


Simple Flask app for authenticating Twitter users. Saves credentials to a file


Language:Python 100.0%