elgreg / docker-watch-test

Testing what happens in docker for mac with more and more watched files

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker Watch Test

The commit log here is probably the thing to look at. I went through adding one file at a time and looking at docker stats and top on OS X to figure out what was spiking CPU. As of 1.12.0 it was the number of watched files. Adding more files added more CPU. As of Docker for Mac 17.03.1-ce-mac5 it appears to be resolved.

This was done with docker for mac 1.12.0

To test gulp

cd gulp
docker build  .
# optionally name it with docker build -t gulper .
cd ../
docker run -it -P -v `pwd`:/code gulper "/bin/bash"

# now you're inside the container
mv /node_modules /code/gulp/node_modules
cd /code/gulp/
gulp watch

Open up Activity monitor on your mac and look at hyperkit CPU

Also run docker stats in another window to see it change.


Testing what happens in docker for mac with more and more watched files


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