elgeorsk / FrontEndDev

Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Front - End Web Developer Nanodegree Program

1. Web Foundations


  1. Animal Trading Cards

    Combination of HTML and CSS to create a web-based trading card depicting a animal. Here is the project's link.

  2. Portofolio Site

    Mockup of a website from a designer, translate it to a real website using HTML and CSS. Here is the project's link.

2. Web Programming with JavaScript


  1. Memory Game

    Build my own version of the classic memory game 'Concentration', using JavaScript, DOM selectors and Event Listeners. Here is the project's link.

  2. Classic Arcade Game

    The Classic Arcade Game - Frogger - using Javascript. Here is the link project's link.

3. Exploring JS - Objects, Tools and Testing


  1. Feed Reader Testing Handed a feed reader another developer has worked on and now need to write tests against it using Jasmine's testing syntax. Here is the link project's link.


Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program


Language:JavaScript 83.5%Language:CSS 9.0%Language:HTML 7.5%