elentok / qmkmd

QMK keyboard layouts written in Markdown

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


QMK keyboard layouts written in Markdown, see example.

This is a work-in-progress prototype I'm experimenting with to find an easier way to represent QMK keyboard layout.


A keyboard layout will be represented by a markdown file with multiple types of code blocks:

  1. Structure - defines the structure of the grid (the way it is structured in the keymap.c file). e.g.

    37 38 39 40 41 42    ||    43 44 45 46 47 48
    49  1  2  3  4  5    ||     6  7  8  9 10 50
    51 11 12 13 14 15    ||    16 17 18 19 20 52
    53 21 22 23 24 25 54 || 55 26 27 28 29 30 56
                31 32 33 || 34 35 36

    This block has to be perfectly indented, each cell is exactly 3 characters (2 for the key index + space). For split keyboards we add || between the halfs.

  2. Layout - defines each layout in the keyboard, basically a shorter, easier-to-read representation of a call to LAYOUT() in QMK. e.g.

    esc  1      2      3       4      5             ||           6    7      8      9      0      bs
    tab  q      w      e       r      t             ||           y    u      i      o      p      \
    lgui lctl/a lalt/s lgui/d  l(f)/f g             ||           h    l(j)/j rgui/k ralt/l rctl/; '
    lsft z      x      c       l(v)/v b        home || end       n    m      ,      .      /      rsft
                               lctl   osm(lgui) spc || osm(rsft) ent  bs
  3. Aliases - to keep the layer short you can create aliases, e.g.

    # Previous tab
    tabp = g+s+[
    # Next tab
    tabn = g+s+]

    You can also enter QMK strings directly:

    # Previous tab
    tabp = LGUI(S(KC_LBRC))
    # Next tab
    tabn = LGUI(S(KC_RBRC))

Instead of using QMK KC_* we use a shorter format (haven't decided on all of them yet).


For now the easiest way to install it is to clone the repo and add the bin subdirectory to your path, e.g.

git clone https://github.com/elentok/qmkmd ~/.qmkmd
echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/.qmkmd' >> ~/.zshrc

(change to .bashrc if you're using bash)



To build a markdown file into a header file you can import in keymap.c run:

qmkmd build layout.md

It will create generated-layout.h which you can then import into your keymap.c using:

#include "generated-layout.h"

If your keyboard layout uses another function other than LAYOUT you can override it in the options block:

layoutFn = MY_LAYOUT


To automatically align the layer columns in the layout.md file:

qmkmd format layout.md

If you're using Neovim you can use my format-on-save plugin to format the file whenever you save, e.g.

local function markdown_kb_layout_formatter()
  if vim.fn.expand("%:t"):match("layout.md") then
    return formatters.shell({ cmd = { "qmkmd", "format", "%" }, tempfile = "random" })

  formatter_by_ft = vim.tbl_extend("force", {
    markdown = {


QMK keyboard layouts written in Markdown

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%