elenaojea / adv_git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Playing with advanced git

Slides are here

Make sure that you fork the repo, and then clone the one at your_username/git_adv int your computer. We want to make sure there are no user restrictions.

Repository structure

-- adv.Rproj
-- basic_app
-- man
-- R
-- README.md
-- tests

As seen in the repository structure section above, this repo contains an R package and a ShinyApp (basic_app). Each has its own set of tests. The tests for the package are under tests, and the tests for the app are under basic_app/tests.

For the package, we are using a simple testthat workflow. For the ShinyApp, we are using the shinytest package (which is inspired in and uses testthat).

Using git to debug code in your repo

Commands that we'll use:

  • git status tells the status of our repository
  • git log --pretty=oneline shows the commit history (nicely)
  • git bisect [start, good, bad] start bisecting, and tag each commit as good or bad (based on test runs)
  • git bisect reset once we've identified the "breaking point", come back to the present
  • git branch to inspect existing branches
  • git ckeckout BRANCH_NAME switch branches
  • git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH_NAME to create a new branch and switch into it
  • git reset HASH to rewrite a file
  • git commit to commit changes
  • git merge to bring changes from one branch into another
  • git tag -a VERSION -m "TAG MESSAGE" to tag a commit
  • git push

How to prepare



Your system

Not sure this will work on everyone's computer, but try the following.

  1. Copy and paste the following code into your prefered terminal:
git config --global alias.logline "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
  1. Now this:
git config --global alias.logone "log --pretty=oneline"

This will create aliases so that we can call very long commands just using git logline and git logone.

  1. In your computer, open any Rproject that has a repo. Go to the RStudio terminal (not the Console!) and type:
git logline

It should show a compressed history of all commit messages

  1. Now type:
git logone

It should show similar info

Let me know if something is not working.



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