elektronik2k5 / husky

:dog: Git hooks made easy

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Git hooks made easy

Husky can prevent bad commit, push and more 🐶 woof!


npm install husky --save-dev
// Edit package.json
  "scripts": {
    "precommit": "npm test",
    "prepush": "npm test",
    "...": "..."
git commit -m "Keep calm and commit"

Existing hooks aren't replaced and you can use any Git hook.

If you're migrating from ghooks, simply run npm uninstall ghooks --save-dev && npm install husky --save-dev and edit package.json. Husky will automatically migrate ghooks hooks.

Used by


npm uninstall husky --save-dev


Debug hooks easily

If you need to debug hooks, simply use npm run <script-name>. For example:

npm run precommit

Git GUI clients support

If you've installed Node using the standard installer, nvm or homebrew, git hooks will be executed even in GUI applications.

In the case of nvm, husky will try to use the default installed version or use the project .nvmrc.

Accessing Git params

Git params can be found in GIT_PARAMS environment variable.

Setting a different log level

By default, husky will run scripts using --silent to make the output more readable. If you want to override this, simply pass a different log level to your scripts:

"precommit": "npm run some-script -q"

-q/--quiet is equivalent to --loglevel warn which is npm default log level.

Git submodule support


Cygwin support



For Yarn, you currently need to pass --force to be sure that hooks are going to be installed (yarn add husky --dev --force). You can also manually install hooks using node node_modules/husky/bin/install.


MIT - Typicode 🌵


:dog: Git hooks made easy

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%