electrocucaracha / k8s-NonPreemptingPriority-demo

PoC for undestanding NonPreemptingPriority Kubernetes Gate feature

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kubernetes NonPreemptingPriority gate feature demo

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In Kubernetes, Priority determines the importance of a Pod to other Pods and Preemption is the logic which tries to find a Node to remove one or more low priority Pods to schedule a high priority Pod.

The goal of this project is to clarify those concepts through code examples. This project deploys an All-in-One Kubernetes Cluster with the NonPreemptingPriority feature gate enabled with the installer bash script which is consumed by the Vagrantfile.


This project uses Vagrant tool for provisioning Virtual Machines automatically. It's highly recommended to use the setup.sh script of the bootstrap-vagrant project for installing Vagrant dependencies and plugins required for its project. The script supports two Virtualization providers (Libvirt and VirtualBox).

$ curl -fsSL http://bit.ly/initVagrant | PROVIDER=libvirt bash

Once Vagrant is installed, it's possible to deploy the demo with the following instruction:

$ vagrant up


After the All-in-One Kubernetes Cluster is deployed the installer creates two kubernetes cron jobs with different PriorityClass on their pods. The trivial-job executes a counter job every minute and the urgent-job every three minutes. They are using preemptionPolicy: Never to avoid any preemption process.

Demo screenshot

As you can see, the jobs of the urgent-job have preference in the queue during the execution of the jobs without any preempt action over the existing Pods of trivial-job.


PoC for undestanding NonPreemptingPriority Kubernetes Gate feature


Language:Shell 100.0%