electrikmilk / lifesaver

Deterministic lifesavers for common JavaScript errors, mistakes, and undefined behavior. πŸ›Ÿ

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ›Ÿ Lifesaver

Ahoy! βš“οΈ

Deterministic lifesavers for common JavaScript errors, mistakes, and undefined behavior. It also includes helper functions for missing features prevalent in other languages that usually would help avoid these issues.

These helper functions are based on experiences I've had wit' the many quirks o' JavaScript. This project be meant to create helper functions that help ye avoid these quirks that cause errors 'n unexpected behavior when you be lost at sea.



Empty value check

Checks if a value is empty. Ensures it is actually empty and not 0 or false.

let value = 0;
empty(value); // false

value = false;
empty(value); // false

value = {};
empty(value); // true

value = undefined
empty(value); // true


Implements JavaScript version of sleep.

await sleep(5); // waits for 5 seconds.

Next Frame

Wait for the next frame for other things to happen during that frame before proceeding.

await nextFrame();

Error handling


const [result, error] = TRY(function);
if (error) {
    // handle error
    throw new Error();

// use result

Local Storage

Local storage helper functions that preserve the type of the value.

Set & Get

set('key', {test: true});
const object = get('key'); // {test: true}
object.test; // true (not "true")

set('key', 5);
get('key'); // 5 (not "5")

set('key', true);
get('key'); // true (not "true")

set('key', "string");
get('key'); // "string"

set('key'); // clear the value of the key
get('key') // null


forget('key'); // delete key-value pair


Strip HTML

Strip HTML tags from a string.

stripTags('<p>foo</p>'); // returns foo


Pluralize word based on an integer value. This will account for irregular plural nouns in English.

If the integer value given is not 1, then the plural version of the word will be returned. Otherwise, the word given will be returned.

status.innerText = count + ' search ' + pluralize('result', count);

Title Case

titleCase('change case of sentence to Title Case');

Trim prefixes and suffixes

trimPrefix('foobar', 'foo')
trimSuffix('foobar', 'bar')

Arrays & Objects


end(value); // Returns last item without modifying the underlying array.


pluck(value, 'key'); // Returns an array of values with provided 'key' from `value`.

Random Numbers

Generate a random number with min and max.

randomInt(0, 5);
randomInt(10, 20);

HTML DOM Elements

Temporary Element

Sometimes you need to create elements temporarily. This function creates an element (by default a div), hides it using CSS, and mounts it to the HTML body. This element is then passed to the callback function you provide. When your function returns, the element is removed.

// Creates element, mounts to the body hidden.
// Passes it to the callback.
tempElement(element => {
    element.innerText = 'Hello, lifesaver!';
// Element is then removed automatically.

// By default, temp element is a <div>, but you can optionally pass a tagname.
tempElement(span => {
    span.innerText = 'Hello, lifesaver!';
}, 'span');

Create Element

This is a helper for creating elements using a much cleaner API. These elements are not mounted to the document body automatically.

Provide a tag and an object of attributes to apply after initially creating the element, then returns the element.

const myElement = newElement('div', {
    className: "test"

Render Element

This is for rendering HTML using a tree of functions.

You can also add # or . for ID and class setting on the elements like you would using a query selector.

                // ...
                // ...

Render Text

This is also for rendering HTML using a tree of functions. This will return a text node.

        renderText("Hello, world!"),


Deterministic lifesavers for common JavaScript errors, mistakes, and undefined behavior. πŸ›Ÿ

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%