electricjones / reso-java-upi-tester

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RESO Java UPI Tester

Basic Usage

You can create an object from a valid UPI. This does NOT actually validate the UPI, it only ensures that the UPI has 6 parts If the UPI does not have 6 parts, it will throw a org.reso.upi.MalformedUpiTextException

UpiInterface upi = new Upi("US-04015-N-11022331-R-N");

Now, get the various pieces of the upi.

CountryCode countryCode = upi.getCountryCode(); // US
String subCountryCode = upi.getSubCountryCode(); // 04015
String subCountyCode = upi.getSubCountyCode(); // N for none
String propertyId = upi.getPropertyId(); // 11022331
PropertyTypeCode propertyTypeCode = upi.getPropertyTypeCode(); // R
String subProperty = upi.getSubProperty(); // N for no unit number

String countryName = upi.getCountryName(); // This is set from the Country Code

// You can also add an arbitrary description
upi.setDescription("This is some cool place");

// Or the full UPI Code again
String upiText = upi.getRawUpiText(); // Unvalidated UPI text. Just what you provided.

You can construct a UPI object in a couple ways.

UpiInterface emptyUpi = new Upi();
UpiInterface givenUpi = new Upi("US-04015-N-11022331-R-N");
UpiInterface givenUpiAndDescription = new Upi("US-04015-N-11022331-R-N", "Some Description");
UpiInterface pieceByPiece = new Upi(
        CountryCode.CO, // Must be a `CountryCode` enum
        "subCountryCode", // String
        "subCountyCode",  // String
        "propertyId", // String
        PropertyTypeCode.R, // Must be a org.reso.upi.property_type_code.PropertyTypeCode enum
        "subProperty", // String
        "aDescription" // String (optional)


The real power comes in when you want to validate a UPI This will ensure that the given UPI code follows certain Rules (more below) By default, the only rules that MUST be followed are 6 parts to the UPI code.

ArrayList<ValidationMessage> errors = upi.validate();

// You can also do a `strict` validation.
// This will make sure that `CountryCode` and `org.reso.upi.property_type_code.PropertyTypeCode` are accepted values.
ArrayList<ValidationMessage> strictErrors = upi.validate(true);

// if the errors are empty, you have a valid UPI Code.
assert errors.size() == 0 && strictErrors.size() == 0;

// If you just want a TRUE or FALSE, all you have to do is ask
// This will validate in non-strict mode and return a pass/fail
boolean isValid = upi.isValid();

// You can also do it as strict
boolean isValidStrict = upi.isValid(true);

// And then, you can get the ValidationMessages
ArrayList<ValidationMessage> messages = upi.getValidationMessages();

// Each of error is a `org.reso.upi.validation.ValidationMessage` with a code and english error message
for (ValidationMessage validationMessage : messages) {
    int code = validationMessage.getCode();
    String message = validationMessage.getMessage();

Validation Rules

You can control the Validation Rules. By default, the ResoRules and ResoStrictRules are added. But, you can remove those rule sets and/or add your own by creating an ArrayList of rules and passing or setting it.

ArrayList<ValidationRuleInterface> ruleSet = new ArrayList<ValidationRuleInterface>();

// These are default
ruleSet.add(new ResoAllPiecesRequiredRule()); // Makes sure that all 6 parts are there
ruleSet.add(new ResoValidPropertyTypeCodeRule()); // Ensure that `org.reso.upi.property_type_code.PropertyTypeCode` is not `NON_STANDARD` (strict)
ruleSet.add(new ResoValidCountryCodeRule()); // Ensures that `CountryCode` is not `UNDEFINED` (strict)

// And you can add your own
ruleSet.add(new MyCustomRule()); // Whatever you want

// Then, set it on the UPI object to replace the existing ruleset

// Or, pass it as a second argument where you run validations
upi.validate(true, ruleSet); // strict, ruleset
upi.isValid(false, ruleSet); // strict, ruleset

Country Codes and Property Type Codes

A word about CountryCodes and PropertyTypeCodes These are both enumerations with set values. The CountryCodes are taken from and include all the valid ISO country codes. There is also an UNDEFINED code, which is valid for non-strict validation, but fails for strict. Take a look at the CountryCode enumeration. There are a lot of helpers to help you find the country. You can also get a lot of information about a country from its CountryCode. Pull Request welcome to flesh this out more.

Similarly, org.reso.upi.property_type_code.PropertyTypeCode is a list of enumerations, but you can add a NON_STANDARD value. A NON_STANDARD value will pass a non-strict validation, but fail a strict validation.

In both cases, you can set the value on the org.reso.upi.Upi object by passing in the enum

upi.setCountryCode(CountryCode.FI); // Finland

Or by passing in the string. If the string is not found, CountryCode.UNDEFINED enum will be created. This will fail strict validation.


This will mean that getting that code will return an UNDEFINED ENUM

CountryCode undefinedEnum = upi.getCountryCode(); // CountryCode.UNDEFINED

You can still get the code you typed in, however. And this one will be used to piece anything together.

String givenCountryCode = upi.getUndefinedCountryCode();

PropertyTypes are a little simpler. If you set a non-standard property type, you can still get the value from the org.reso.upi.property_type_code.PropertyTypeCode enum.

PropertyTypeCode code = upi.getPropertyTypeCode();
String nonStandardCode = code.getCode(); // BO
String description = code.getDescription(); // null

// Or, you can create a Non-Standard PropertyType Code enum
upi.setPropertyTypeCode(PropertyTypeCode.getNonStandard("XX", "Description"));

In both cases, what you supply is what will be used for validations and concatenation.


There are some tests in the tests directory that should cover all the api features. But, more and better tests are always welcome. PR's encouraged.


Pull Requests are welcome and encouraged. Please issue PRs against master branch. New features will not be accepted with tests.

Roadmap / ToDo

  • Complete Property Type Code Enumerations
  • Better Error Messages
  • FIPS Helper
  • Clean up and more complete tests
  • Complete Github package (contributing, etc)


  • Michael Wilson


License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%