ele828 / git-subrepo

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=head1 Name

git-subrepo - Git Submodule Alternative

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=head1 Synopsis

    git subrepo -h    # Help Overview

    git subrepo clone <remote-url> [<subdir>]
    git subrepo init <subdir>
    git subrepo pull <subdir>
    git subrepo push <subdir>

    git subrepo fetch <subdir>
    git subrepo branch <subdir>
    git subrepo commit <subdir>
    git subrepo merge-base <branch1> <branch2>

    git subrepo status [<subdir>]
    git subrepo clean <subdir>

    git subrepo help [<command>]
    git subrepo version

=head1 Description

This git command "clones" an external git repo into a subdirectory of your
repo. Later on, upstream changes can be pulled in, and local changes can be
pushed back. Simple.

=head1 Benefits

This command is an improvement from C<git-submodule> and C<git-subtree>; two
other git commands with similar goals, but various problems.

It assumes there are 3 main roles of people interacting with a repo, and
attempts to serve them all well:


=item * B<owner> - The person who authors/owns/maintains a repo.

=item * B<users> - People who are just using/installing the repo.

=item * B<collaborators> - People who commit code to the repo and subrepos.


The C<git-subrepo> command benefits these roles in the following ways:


=item * Simple and intuitive commandline usage.

=item * Users get your repo and all your subrepos just by cloning your repo.

=item * Users do not need to install C<git-subrepo>, ever.

=item * Collaborators do not need to install unless they want to push/pull.

=item * Collaborators know when a subdir is a subrepo (it has a C<.gitrepo> file).

=item * Well named branches and remotes are generated for manual operations.

=item * Owners do not deal with the complications of keeping submodules in sync.

=item * Subrepo repositories can contain subrepos themselves.

=item * Branching with subrepos JustWorks™.

=item * Different branches can have different subrepos in different states, etc.

=item * Moving/renaming/deleting a subrepo subdir JustWorks™.

=item * You can C<init> an existing subdirectory into a subrepo.

=item * Your git history is kept squeaky clean.

=item * Upstream history (clone/pull) is condensed into a single commit.

=item * You can see the subrepo history with C<< git log subrepo/<subdir>/fetch >>.

=item * Commits pushed back upstream are B<not> condensed.

=item * Trivial to try any subrepo operations and then reset back.

=item * No configuration required.

=item * Does not introduce history that messes up other git commands.

=item * Fixes known rebase failures with C<git-subtree>.


=head1 Installation

The best short answer is:

    git clone https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo /path/to/git-subrepo
    echo 'source /path/to/git-subrepo/.rc' >> ~/.bashrc

The complete "Installation Instructions" can be found below.

=head1 Commands

All the B<subrepo> commands use names of actual Git commands and try to do
operations that are similar to their Git counterparts. They also attempt to
give similar output in an attempt to make the subrepo usage intuitive to
experienced Git users.

Please note that the commands are I<not> exact equivalents, and do not take
all the same arguments. Keep reading…


=item C<< git subrepo clone <repository> [<subdir>] [-b <upstream-branch>] [-f] >>

Add a repository as a subrepo in a subdir of your repository.

This is similar in feel to C<git clone>. You just specify the remote repo url,
and optionally a sub-directory and/or branch name. The repo will be fetched
and merged into the subdir.

The subrepo history is I<squashed> into a single commit that contains the
reference information. This information is also stored in a special file
called C<< <subdir>/.gitrepo >>. The presence of this file indicates that the
directory is a subrepo.

All subsequent commands refer to the subrepo by the name of the
I<subdir>. From the subdir, all the current information about the subrepo
can be obtained.

The C<--force> option will "reclone" (completely replace) an existing subdir.

The C<clone> command accepts the C<--branch=> and C<--force> options.

=item C<< git subrepo init <subdir> [-r <remote>] [-b <branch>] >>

Turn an existing subdirectory into a subrepo.

If you want to expose a subdirectory of your project as a published subrepo,
this command will do that. It will split out the content of a normal
subdirectory into a branch and start tracking it as a subrepo. Afterwards your
original repo will look exactly the same except that there will be a C<<
<subdir>/.gitrepo >> file.

If you specify the C<--remote> (and optionally the C<--branch>) option, the
values will be added to the C<< <subdir>/.gitrepo >> file. The C<--remote>
option is the upstream URL, and the C<--branch> option is the upstream branch
to push to. These values will be needed to do a C<git subrepo push> command,
but they can be provided later on the C<push> command (and saved to C<<
<subdir>/.gitrepo >> if you also specify the C<--update> option).

Note: You will need to create the empty upstream repo and push to it on your
      own, using C<< git subrepo push <subdir> >>.

The C<init> command accepts the C<--branch=> and C<--remote=> options.

=item C<< git subrepo pull <subdir>|--all [-b <branch>] [-r <remote>] [-u] >>

Update the subrepo subdir with the latest upstream changes.

The C<pull> command will attempt to do the following commands in one go:

    git subrepo fetch <subdir>
    git subrepo branch <subdir>
    git subrepo merge-base subrepo/<subdir>/fetch subrepo/<subdir>
    git rebase --onto <new_parent> <old_parent> subrepo/<subdir>
    git rebase subrepo/<subdir>/fetch subrepo/<subdir>
    git checkout ORIG_HEAD
    git subrepo commit <subdir>

In other words, you could do all the above commands yourself, for the same
effect. If any of the commands fail, subrepo will stop and tell you to finish
this by hand. Generally a failure would be in the rebase, where conflicts can
happen. Since Git has lots of ways to resolve conflicts to your personal
tastes, the subrepo command defers to letting you do this by hand.

Like the C<clone> command, C<pull> will squash all the changes (since the last
pull or clone) into one commit. This keeps your mainline history nice and
clean. You can easily see the subrepo's history with the C<git log> command:

    git log refs/subrepo/<subdir>/fetch

The set of commands used above are described in detail below.

The C<pull> command accepts the C<--all>, C<--branch=>, C<--remote=> and C<--
update> options.

=item C<< git subrepo push <subdir>|--all [<branch>] [-r <remote>] [-b <branch>] [-u] >>

Push a properly merged subrepo branch back upstream.

The C<push> command requires a branch that has been properly merged/rebased
with the upstream HEAD (unless the upstream HEAD is empty, which is common
when doing a first C<push> after an C<init>). That means the upstream HEAD is
one of the commits in the branch. If you don't specify a branch to push, one
will be created for you using the same techniques as a pull (except it won't
be committed locally). Otherwise you can name a properly merged branch to
push. Often times you can use the branch commit from the last pull, which is
saved as C<< refs/subrepo/<subdir>/pull >>.

After that, the C<push> command just checks that the branch contains the
upstream HEAD and then pushes it upstream.

The C<--force> option will do a force push. Force pushes are typically
discouraged. Only use this option if you fully understand it. (The C<--force>
option will NOT check for a proper merge. ANY branch will be force pushed!)

The C<push> command accepts the C<--all>, C<--branch=>, C<--force>, C<--
remote=> and C<--update> options.

=item C<< git subrepo fetch <subdir>|--all >>

Fetch the remote/upstream content for a subrepo.

It will create a Git reference called C<< subrepo/<subdir>/fetch >> that
points at the same commit as C<FETCH_HEAD>. It will also create a remote
called C<< subrepo/<subdir> >>. These are temporary and you can remove them
easily with the subrepo C<clean> command.

The C<fetch> command accepts the C<--all>, C<--branch=> and C<--
remote=> options.

=item C<< git subrepo branch <subdir>|--all >>

Create a branch with local subrepo commits.

Scan the history of the mainline for all the commits that affect the C<subdir>
and create a new branch from them called C<< subrepo/<subdir> >>.

This is useful for doing C<pull> and C<push> commands by hand.

Use the C<--force> option to write over an existing C<< subrepo/<subdir>
>> branch.

The C<branch> command accepts the C<--all> and C<--force> options.

=item C<< git subrepo commit <subdir> [<subrepo-ref>] >>

Add subrepo branch to current history as a single commit.

This command is generally used after a hand-merge. You have done a C<subrepo
branch> and merged (rebased) it with the upstream. This command takes the HEAD
of that branch, puts its content into the subrepo subdir and adds a new commit
for it to the top of your mainline history.

This command requires that the upstream HEAD be in the C<< subrepo/<subdir> >>
branch history. That way the same branch can push upstream. Use the C<--force>
option to commit anyway.

The C<commit> command accepts the C<--force> option.

=item C<< git subrepo merge-base <branch1> <branch2> >>

This "plumbing" command finds a common ancestor between two branches. It will
look at the referenced tree hash in the commits to see if it can locate a
common one.

This is used for pull and push before the rebase step. In this case we look at
all the local commits and then try to find a tree hash that is available in
the subrepo.

Note: This is different from the C<git merge-base> command which looks at the
      object structure.

Use the C<--all> option to list all possible common ancestors. (This differs
from other commands which use C<--all> to apply the same command to all

The C<merge-base> command accepts the C<--all> option.

=item C<< git subrepo status [<subdir>] >>

Get the status of a subrepo. Uses the C<--all> option by default. If the C<--
quiet> flag is used, just print the subrepo names, one per line.

The C<--verbose> option will show all the recent local and upstream commits.

The C<status> command accepts the C<--ALL>, C<--all>, and C<--fetch> option.

=item C<< git subrepo clean <subdir>|--ALL|--all >>

Remove artifacts created by C<fetch> and C<branch> commands.

The C<fetch> and C<branch> operations (and other commands that call them)
create temporary things like refs, branches and remotes. This command removes
all those things.

Use C<--force> to remove refs. Refs are not removed by default because they
are sometimes needed between commands. To remove all subrepo artifacts:

    git subrepo clean --all --force

The C<clean> command accepts the C<--ALL>, C<--all>, and C<--force> options.

=item C<git subrepo help>

Same as C<git help subrepo>. Will launch the manpage. For the shorter usage,
use C<git subrepo -h>.

=item C<git subrepo version [--verbose] [--quiet]>

This command will display version information about git-subrepo and its
environment. For just the version number, use C<git subrepo --version>. Use
C<--verbose> for more version info, and C<--quiet> for less.


=head1 Command Options


=item C<-h>

Show a brief view of the commands and options.

=item C<--help>

Gives an overview of the help options available for the subrepo command.

=item C<--version>

Print the git-subrepo version. Just the version number. Try the C<version>
command for more version info.

=item C<--all> (C<-a>)

If you have multiple subrepos, issue the command to all of them (if

=item C<--ALL> (C<-A>)

If you have subrepos that also have subrepos themselves, issue the command to
ALL of them. Note that the C<--ALL> option only works for a subset of the
commands that C<--all> works for.

=item C<< --branch=<branch-name> >> (C<< -b <branch-name> >>)

Use a different branch-name than the remote HEAD or the one saved in
C<.gitrepo> locally.

=item C<--force> (C<-f>)

Use this option to force certain commands that fail in the general case.

=item C<--fetch> (C<-F>)

Use this option to fetch the upstream commits, before running the command.

=item C<< --remote=<remote-url> >> (C<< -r <remote-url> >>)

Use a different remote-url than the one saved in C<.gitrepo> locally.

=item C<--update> (C<-u>)

If C<-b> or C<-r> are used, and the command updates the C<.gitrepo> file,
include these values to the update.


=head1 Output Options


=item C<--quiet> (C<-q>)

Print as little info as possible. Applicable to most commands.

=item C<--verbose> (C<-v>)

Print more information about the command execution and results. Applicable to
most commands.

=item C<--debug> (C<-d>)

Show the actual git (and other) commands being executed under the hood.
Applicable to most commands.

=item C<--DEBUG> (C<-x>)

Use the Bash C<set -x> option which prints every command before it is
run. VERY noisy, but extremely useful in deep debugging. Applicable to
all commands.


=head1 Environment Variables

The C<git-subrepo> command exports and honors some environment variables:



This is set by the C<.rc> file, if you use that method to install / enable C<git-
subrepo>. It contains the path of the C<git-subrepo> repository.


This variable is exported when C<git-subrepo> is running. It is set to the pid
of the C<git-subrepo> process that is running. Other processes, like git hooks
for instance, can use this information to adjust accordingly.


This variable is exported when C<git-subrepo> is running. It is set to the
name of the C<git-subrepo> subcommand that is running.


Use this to specify the pager to use for long output commands. Defaults to
C<$PAGER> or C<less>.


Set this for quiet (C<-q>) output.


Set this for verbose (C<-v>) output.


Set this for really debugging (C<-d>) output.


=head1 Installation Instructions

There are currently 3 ways to install C<git-subrepo>. For all of them you need
to get the source code from GitHub:

    git clone https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo /path/to/git-subrepo

The first installation method is preferred: C<source> the C<.rc> file. Just
add a line like this one to your shell startup script:

    source /path/to/git-subrepo/.rc

That will modify your C<PATH> and C<MANPATH>, and also enable command

The second method is to do these things by hand. This might afford you more
control of your shell environment. Simply add the C<lib> and C<man>
directories to your C<PATH> and C<MANPATH>:

    export GIT_SUBREPO_ROOT="/path/to/git-subrepo"
    export PATH="/path/to/git-subrepo/lib:$PATH"
    export MANPATH="/path/to/git-subrepo/man:$MANPATH"

See below for info on how to turn on Command Completion.

The third method is a standard system install, which puts C<git-subrepo> next
to your other git commands:

    make install        # Possibly with 'sudo'

This method does not account for upgrading and command completion yet.

=head2 Windows

This command is known to work in these Windows environments:


=item * Git for Windows -- L<https://git-for-windows.github.io/>

=item * Babun -- L<http://babun.github.io/>

=item * Cygwin -- L<https://www.cygwin.com/>


Let us know if there are others that it works (or doesn't work) in.

=head1 Testing

The C<git-subrepo> repository comes with a extensive test suite. You can
run it with:

    make test

or if you don't have C<make> on your system:

    prove -v test

=head1 Upgrading

If you used the C<PATH> method of installation, just run this to upgrade

    git subrepo upgrade

Or (same thing):

    cd /path/to/git-subrepo
    git pull

If you used C<make install> method, then run this again (after C<git pull>):

    make install        # Possibly with 'sudo'

=head1 Command Completion

The C<git subrepo> command supports C<< <TAB> >>-based command completion. If
you don't use the C<.rc> script (see Installation, above), you'll need to
enable this manually to use it.

=head2 In Bash

If your Bash setup does not already provide command completion for Git, you'll
need to enable that first:

    source <Git completion script>

On your system, the Git completion script might be found at any of the
following locations (or somewhere else that we don't know about):


=item * C</etc/bash_completion.d/git>

=item * C</usr/share/bash-completion/git>

=item * C</usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git>

=item * C</opt/local/share/bash-completion/completions/git>

=item * C</usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git>

=item * C<~/.homebrew/etc/bash_completion.d/git>


In case you can't find any of these, this repository contains a copy of the
Git completion script:

    source /path/to/git-subrepo/share/git-completion.bash

Once Git completion is enabled (whether you needed to do that manually or
not), you can turn on C<git-subrepo> completion with a command like this:

    source /path/to/git-subrepo/share/completion.bash

=head2 In zsh

In the Z shell (zsh), you can manually enable C<git-subrepo> completion by
adding the following line to your C<~/.zshrc>, B<before> the C<compinit>
function is called:

    fpath=('/path/to/git-subrepo/share/zsh-completion' $fpath)

=head1 Status

The git-subrepo command has been in use for well over a year and seems to get
the job done. Development is still ongoing but mostly just for fixing bugs.

Trying subrepo out is simple and painless (this is not C<git submodule>).
Nothing is permanent (if you do not push to shared remotes). ie You can always
play around and reset back to the beginning without pain.

This command has a test suite (run C<make test>), but surely has many bugs. If
you have expertise with Git and subcommands, please review the code, and file
issues on anything that seems wrong.

If you want to chat about the C<git-subrepo> command, join C<#gitcommands> on

=head1 Notes


=item * Works on POSIX systems: Linux, BSD, OSX, etc.

=item * Works on various Windows environments. See "Windows" section above.

=item * The C<git-subrepo> repo itself has 2 subrepos under the C<ext/> subdirectory.

=item * Written in (very modern) Bash, with full test suite. Take a look.

=item * A C<.gitrepo> file never is in the top level dir (next to a C<.git/> dir).


=head1 Author

Written by Ingy döt Net <ingy@ingy.net>

=head1 License and Copyright

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Ingy döt Net



License:MIT License


Language:Shell 85.1%Language:Roff 9.7%Language:Perl 2.9%Language:Makefile 2.2%