eldskald / dotfiles

My personal config files

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Rafael Bordoni's dotfiles

My personal Linux ricing. Configurations for KDE Plasma 6, neovim, alacritty and zsh. It tries to be very minimal, with no plugins or scripts for Plasma except for a single colorscheme. For neovim, there's only ripgrep for telescope. For zsh, you need oh-my-zsh and for alacritty, there's a single font already bundled on the Plasma configs.

The colorscheme is a slightly modified version from this one, just making the window title bars the same color as the usual background so it blends in with the terminal background and other apps.

Yes, this whole repository is just Tokyo Night, the DE. If you don't know the Tokyo Night theme, it's this popular neovim theme. This repository has ports of this theme to many other popular open source software, including alacritty which is included here.


For KDE Plasma, you need konsave just to install the dotfiles, you can remove it afterwards.

For neovim, you need ripgrep.

For zsh, you need oh-my-zsh.

For alacritty, you need the HurmitNerdFont, but it already comes on the KDE Plasma settings so you don't need to install it if you install KDE config files too.

I'm also including the colorscheme in case you want to use it on your own Plasma configs without needing to extract it from mine.


First, clone or download this repository into your home directory. It must be on the home directory. Don't forget to have all the dependencies for the dotfiles you'll install ready before doing that.

To install, run the install.sh script in this repository. You can also append kde, neovim, zsh or alacritty to sh install.sh to install just the configurations for said tool, for example running sh install.sh neovim will just install the neovim configurations. You can install two too by doing sh install.sh neovim alacritty, for example. Running sh install.sh is the same as sh install neovim alacritty zsh kde. NOTE: If you are installing alacritty but are not using KDE Plasma, install the HurmitNerdFont on your system.


For everything except KDE Plasma, Just run sh uninstall.sh. And just like the install script, you can also append neovim, zsh or alacritty to uninstall just the configs for said software, but doesn't work for KDE. See konsave for how to backup your own config before applying these.


Just do git pull on this repository and configs for everything you're using will be updated. You'll have to run the konsave commands to update KDE Plasma, the same ones on the installation section.

There is also the script update.sh to save the KDE Plasma profile and split it into the chunks to be uploadable to github. This is mostly for me, to make it easier for me to update the profile on this repo but you can take that script too.


Each dotfiles come with special files that are ignored by this repository to allow you to specific changes without preventing you from updating later with a git pull.


It is very useful to have specific aliases on different machines and there is no use keeping everything here on this repository.

After installing zsh dotfiles, a .zshrc_override file will be added to your home folder. It is already being sourced by .zshrc and is ignored by this repository.


Every different machine will probably be working on different projects and thus be using its own different set of LSPs, linters and formatters and there is no point in keeping everything configured in this repository.

After installing neovim dotfiles, the directory ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom will be created with the files lsp-configs.lua and none-ls-sources.lua just for that. There is also an override.lua file that will be sourced last on init.lua for other changes that might be necessary, like options or mappings.


After installing the dotfiles, a override.toml file will be added to ~/.config/alacritty/ to change anything, like window opacity, mappings or font.

KDE Plasma

These are not in this repository, so you can mess around and change your settings without git seeing anything. You can run konsave -a eldskald to re-apply them back, or just sh install.sh kde should work too.


Godot Engine

There's a Godot editor saved theme and layout, just put the files in extras/godot at ~/.config/godot. It's basically Tokyo Night Godot, as well as my own personal layout.


There's a Tokyo Night theme bat, just read this section on how to add themes after downloading extras/bat/tokyonight_night.tmTheme.


My personal config files


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