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TurfTender API Documentation

Welcome to the TurfTender API documentation. TurfTender is a platform that connects users with turf facilities for events and bookings. Below, you will find information about the available endpoints, their functionalities, and the expected input and output formats.

Base URL

The base URL for all API endpoints is https://turftender.onrender.com/api


Admin User

1. Admin User Login

  • Endpoint: /admin/login
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Logs in an admin user.
  • Input:
    • email (string): Admin user email
    • password (string): Admin user password
  • Output:
    • email (string): Admin user email
    • token (string): Authentication token
    • admin (boolean): Indicates if the user is an admin

2. Admin User Signup

  • Endpoint: /admin/signup
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Registers a new admin user.
  • Input:
    • name (string): Admin user name
    • mobileNumber (string): Admin user mobile number
    • email (string): Admin user email
    • address (string): Admin user address
    • district (string): Admin user district
    • pincode (number): Admin user pincode
    • password (string): Admin user password
    • avatar (string): Admin user avatar URL
  • Output:
    • adminUser (object): Newly created admin user details

3. Admin User OTP Confirmation

  • Endpoint: /admin/signup/otp
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Confirms admin user registration with OTP.
  • Input:
    • name (string): Admin user name
    • mobileNumber (string): Admin user mobile number
    • email (string): Admin user email
    • address (string): Admin user address
    • district (string): Admin user district
    • pincode (number): Admin user pincode
    • password (string): Admin user password
    • avatar (string): Admin user avatar URL
    • otp (string): OTP received via email
  • Output:
    • adminUserOtp (object): Confirmed admin user details

4. Update Admin User Data

  • Endpoint: /admin/data
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Updates admin user data.
  • Input:
    • name (string): Updated admin user name
    • mobileNumber (string): Updated admin user mobile number
    • email (string): Updated admin user email
    • address (string): Updated admin user address
    • district (string): Updated admin user district
    • pincode (number): Updated admin user pincode
  • Output:
    • update (object): Updated admin user details

5. Update Admin User Password

  • Endpoint: /admin/password-update
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Updates admin user password.
  • Input:
    • password (string): Updated admin user password
  • Output:
    • update (object): Updated admin user details


1. Add Favorite

  • Endpoint: /favorites/:id
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Adds a turf to the user's favorites.
  • Input:
    • id (string): Turf ID to be added to favorites
  • Output:
    • favorite (object): Details of the added favorite

2. Get Favorites

  • Endpoint: /favorites/getfavorites
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the user's favorite turfs.
  • Output:
    • favorite (array): List of favorite turfs

Booking Details

1. Get All Booking Details

  • Endpoint: /booking/details/:day/:month/:year
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves all booking details for a specific date.
  • Input:
    • day (string): Day of the month
    • month (string): Month of the year
    • year (string): Year
  • Output:
    • bookingDetails (array): List of booking details for the specified date

2. Get Total Revenue

  • Endpoint: /booking/details/revenue
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the total revenue.
  • Output:
    • data (string): Total revenue amount

3. Get Total Revenue Graph

  • Endpoint: /booking/details/graph
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the total revenue graph data.
  • Output:
    • expenses (array): Monthly expense data for the revenue graph

4. Admin Book Turf

  • Endpoint: /booking/adminbook/:id
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Books a turf for an admin user.
  • Input:
    • id (string): Turf ID to be booked
    • time (string): Booking time
    • rate (number): Booking rate
    • date (string): Booking date
    • name (string): User name
    • mobileNumber (string): User mobile number
    • event (string): Booking event
  • Output:
    • book (object): Details of the booked turf


1. Get All Turfs

  • Endpoint: /turf/:category
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves all turfs based on the category.
  • Input:
    • category (string): Turf category
  • Output:
    • turf (array): List of turfs in the specified category

2. Get Turf Details

  • Endpoint: /turf/details/:id
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves details of a specific turf.
  • Input:
    • id (string): Turf ID
  • Output:
    • turf (object): Details of the specified turf


1. User Login

  • Endpoint: /user/login
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Logs in a user.
  • Input:
    • mobileNumber (string): User mobile number
    • password (string): User password
  • Output:
    • token (string): Authentication token
    • user (object): User details

2. User Signup

  • Endpoint: /user/signup
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Registers a new user.
  • Input:
    • name (string): User name
    • mobileNumber (string): User mobile number
    • password (string): User password
    • avatar (string): User avatar URL
  • Output:
    • user (object): Newly created user details

3. User OTP Confirmation

  • Endpoint: /user/signup/otp
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Confirms user registration with OTP.
  • Input:
    • name (string): User name
    • mobileNumber (string): User mobile number
    • password (string): User password
    • avatar (string): User avatar URL
    • otp (string): OTP received via SMS
  • Output:
    • userOtp (object): Confirmed user details

4. Update User Data

  • Endpoint: /user/data
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Updates user data.
  • Input:
    • name (string): Updated user name
    • mobileNumber (string): Updated user mobile number
    • avatar (string): Updated user avatar URL
  • Output:
    • update (object): Updated user details

5. Update User Password

  • Endpoint: /user/password-update
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Updates user password.
  • Input:
    • password (string): Updated user password
  • Output:
    • update (object): Updated user details

Turf Review

1. Add Turf Review

  • Endpoint: /turf/review/:id
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Adds a review for a specific turf.
  • Input:
    • id (string): Turf ID
    • rating (number): Review rating
    • comment (string): Review comment
  • Output:
    • review (object): Details of the added review


All endpoints, except for the user login, user signup, user OTP confirmation, admin login, and admin signup endpoints, require authentication. To authenticate a request, include the user's or admin's authentication token in the request headers.


Authorization: Bearer <token>

Error Handling

The API returns standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. In case of an error, additional information is provided in the response body.

Example Error Response:

  "error": {
    "status": 404,
    "message": "Resource not found"



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