elabdesunil / django-redis-key-value-store

A simple application that uses django and django-rest-framework to store key value pairs in Redis instance. A Step by step tutorial is a added in readme.

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Redis as a Key-Value Store in Django

How to run

git clone https://github.com/sunilale0/django-redis-key-value-store.git
cd django-redis-key-value-store

set up a virtual environment and then

pip install -r requirements.txt

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

Set up Redis-Cli and test. Here, we are assuming that redis port is 6379, if it is different, set that value in django_redis/settings.py through variable REDIS_PORT .


Common use cases of Redis include

  • Caching - It's faster than traditional databases. So, it is used for temporary data storage and retrieval.
  • Message Queueing - Redis can also be used as a message broker for message queueing systems through its Publish/Subscribe messaging paradigm
  • Data Storage - Redis can be used to store key-value data as NoSQL database

Example use: Twitter stores the most recent incoming tweets for a user on Redis to speed up the delivery of the tweets to client applications Pinterest uses Redis to store a list of users and boards a user follows, a list of a user's followers, and a list of people who follow your boards, among other lists to enchance the experience on the platform.

Setting up Redis

For windows go to here, download a .msi file with latest release tag.

For Mac/linux there is installation guide on their site.

Redis Commands

Once it is verified that redis is installed. Enter Redis-cli by using the command. Remember the port number for later.


Try out the commands below:

// SET sets a key hello with the value of "world" with an expiry of 10 seconds, "EX 10" is optional
SET hello "world" EX 10

// GET gets the value associated with the key hello
GET hello

// DEL deletes a key and the associated value
DEL hello

// GET gets the value associated with the key hello
GET hello

// if a key is set with expiry, we use TTL to view how much time is left
TTL hello

// use PERSIST to remove the expiry period

// use RENAME renames the key "hello" to "hello2"
RENAME hello hello2

// use FLUSHALL to delete all of the key-value entries in the current session of Redis

Django Set up

Here, we will build an API using DJango and Django REST framework that can receive a key-value pair and store it in our Redis Server. Features:

  • Retrieve values for given keys
  • Retrieve all key-value pairs stored
  • delete a key-value entry

Create a virtual environment and activate

py -m venv venv

Install django djangorestframework and redis

pip install django djangorestframework redis

Start a project, create an app and migrate the models to the database

django-admin startproject django_redis .
django-admin startapp api
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

Add our app api and django REST framework to our project by adding the following inside INSTALLED_APPS list found in django_redis/settings.py


Provide Host and Port number of Redis to Django by including the following in django_redis/settings.py

REDIS_HOST = "localhost"

Note: for now we will use a local Redis Instance, but a remote or Docker containerized instance of redis can also be used in the same way: defining the host and port.

Django and Redis


Inside api/views.py start by importing some necessary libraries:

import json
from django.conf import settings
import redis
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response

# Connect to our Redis instance
redis_instance = redis.StrictRedis(host=settings.REDIS_HOST, port = settings.REDIS_PORT, db = 0)

Now add a view manage_items() which will be used to retrieve all the items currently set in our running Redis instance, and to create new entries in our Redis instance by passing a JSON object:

@api_view(["GET", "POST"])
def manage_items(request, *args, **kwargs):
    if request.method == "GET":
        items = {}
        count = 0
        for key in redis_instance.keys("*"):
            items[key.decode("utf-8")] = redis_instance.get(key)
            count += 1
        response = {
            "count": count,
            "msg": f"Found {count} items.",
            "items": items
        return Response(response, status=200)
    elif request.method == "POST":
        item = json.loads(request.body)
        key = list(item.keys())[0]
        value = item[key]
        redis_instance.set(key, value)
        response = {
            "msg": f"{key} successfully set to {value}"
        return Response(response, 201)

add another function manage_item() inside api/views.py that will be used to create, update and delete a single key-value in the Redis instance:

@api_view(["GET", "PUT", "DELETE"])
def manage_item(request, *args, **kwargs):
    if request.method == "GET":
        if kwargs["key"]:
            value = redis_instance.get(kwargs["key"])
            if value:
                response = {
                    "key": kwargs["key"],
                    "value": value,
                    "msg": "success"
                return Response(response, status=200)
                response = {
                    "key": kwargs["key"],
                    "value": None,
                    "msg": "Not Found"
                return Response(response, status=404)
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        if kwargs["key"]:
            request_data = json.loads(request.body)
            new_value = request_data["new_value"]
            value = redis_instance.get(kwargs["key"])
            if value:
                redis_instance.set(kwargs["key"], new_value)
                value = redis_instance.get(kwargs["key"])
                response = {
                    "key": kwargs["key"],
                    "value": value,
                    "msg": f"Successfully updated {kwargs['key']}"
                return Response(response, status=200)
                response = {
                    "key": kwargs["key"],
                    "value": None,
                    "msg": "Not found"
                return Response(response, status=404)

    elif request.method == "DELETE":
        if kwargs["key"]:
            result = redis_instance.delete(kwargs["key"])
            if result == 1:
                response ={
                    "msg": f"{kwargs['key']} successfully deleted"
                return Response(response, status=200)
                response = {
                    "key": kwargs["key"],
                    "value": None,
                    "msg": "Not found"
                return Response(response, status=404)

manage_item() wil use a key of the item passed in the URL, to identify and perform the indicate operation: GET, PUT or DELETE.


Now, create a new file in api/ caled urls.py and add the following:

from django.urls import path
from rest_framework.urlpatterns import format_suffix_patterns
from .views import manage_items, manage_item

    path("", manage_items, name="items"),
    path("<slug:key>", manage_item, name="single_item")
urlpatterns = format_suffix_patterns(urlpatterns)

Finally include api/urls.py in the main project by adding the following in django_redis/urls.py:

from django.urls import path, include # include added

urlpatterns = [
    # ...,
    path("api/", include("api.urls")),


We can directly visit http://localhost:8000/api/ to view, we can only view what is stored in our Redis instance from here, which is nothing. So, go to redis-cli and add some values like:

SET hi "hello"
SET oh "no"

reload http://localhost:8000/api/. We can also see a value in a key by doing http://localhost:8000/api/hi. But to update a value and to post a value we need to use Postman. Download and install.

After installing, open it. You will see a signup option, but there will also a link to skip signing up and go directly into the application.

there, test the addresses used above in GET mode.

POST test: select address http://localhost:8000/api/name select POST, got to Body tab and select raw and select JSON(application/json) and add the following:

  "name": "unknown"

hit send. You should see a message below that says

  "msg": "name successfully set to unknown"

PUT test: select address http://localhost:8000/api/name select PUT, got to Body tab and select raw and select JSON(application/json) and add the following:

  "new_value": "unknown2"

hit send. You should see a message below that says

  "key": "name",
  "value": "unknown2",
  "msg": "Successfully updated name"

PUT in postman looks like the following postman-put

DELETE in postman will look like the following: postman-delete


A simple django application with djano REST framework and storage operations on redis is now complete.

Thanks StackAbuse for the tutorial. Report issues here. Ideas go here.


A simple application that uses django and django-rest-framework to store key value pairs in Redis instance. A Step by step tutorial is a added in readme.


Language:Python 100.0%