eklitzke / garfield

A simple, fast embedded HTTP server.

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Garfield -- an asynchronous, embeddable C++ HTTP server

Garfield is a toy HTTP server, written in C++ using boost::asio. It's single-threaded, but fully asynchronous (i.e. non-blocking), so it can handle many concurrent requests. It should be pretty fast, too.

HTTP servers are srs bidnis, and writing a real one that handles all of the weird parts of the HTTP protocol takes a lot of work. You should consider Garfield to be "just for fun". You might find the source code useful if you're learning about boost::asio.


When you build Garfield, it will actually build a shared library (e.g. libgarfield.so on Linux systems). It's up to you to write a program that links against Garfield. There is no stand-alone server program.

The basic structure of a program that uses Garfield is like this:

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <garfield.h>

void HelloWorldHandler(garfield::Request *req, garfield::Response *resp) {
  resp->headers()->SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
  resp->Write("Hello, World!\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  boost::asio::io_service io_service;
  garfield::HTTPServer http_server(&io_service);
  http_server.AddRoute("GET", "/", HelloWorldHandler);
  http_server.Bind(80);  // whatever port you want to bind on here
  io_service.run();      // start the main boost::asio loop
  return 0;

Each route added by AddRoute() consists of the HTTP verb, a Perl-style regular expression, and a request handler. The request handler has two inputs, a Request object and a Response object; you can read attributes about the incoming request (e.g. the path, headers sent from the client) by inspecting the request object, and you can modify information about the response (e.g. set custom headers) by calling the various methods on the response object. When a new request comes in for the HTTP server, each route will be checked (in the order that AddRoute() was called), and the first route with a matching specification for the URL will have its request handler invoked. If you want to implement a custom 404 handler, you can add a handler whose specification is ".*" (just make sure you add it last).

There's a sample program included, example-server.cc, which is a complete example of a a simple program that uses Garfield. The included Makefile with this project will build the example server.


Garfield does not currently support any of the following features:

  • Chunked transfer-encoding
  • gzip/deflate encoding, or any other transforms


A simple, fast embedded HTTP server.



Language:C++ 95.0%Language:C 4.1%Language:Shell 1.0%