ekapuspitaward1 / pumpfun-bundler

pumpfun bundler, pumpfun bunder with jito, pumpfun bundler with 20 wallet, pumpfun bundler

Repository from Github https://github.comekapuspitaward1/pumpfun-bundlerRepository from Github https://github.comekapuspitaward1/pumpfun-bundler

πŸš€ Pumpfun Bundler

The Pumpfun Bundler is the fastest, most efficient self-bundling script for PumpFun, enabling you to create a token and execute purchases with 25 buyers in a single bundle. Perfect for streamlined launches and trading efficiency!

✨ Features

  • πŸͺ™ Create Tokens Instantly: Launch your custom token with ease.
  • 🀝 25 Buyers in One Bundle: Simultaneously manage multiple purchases.
  • ⚑ Fast and Reliable: Designed for speed and transaction accuracy.
  • πŸ” Transparent Tracking: Validate transactions directly on Solscan.

πŸ›  Installation

Install the PumpFun SDK with a single command:

npm i pumpdotfun-sdk

πŸ“‹ Usage

Step 1: Configure Environment

1️⃣ Create a .env file using .env.example as a reference.
2️⃣ Add your RPC URL to the .env file.

Step 2: Fund the Account

πŸ’Έ Fund Alert: Ensure the account generated in the next step has at least 0.004 SOL.

Step 3: Customize Token Metadata

Edit the metadata to define your token's properties:

const metadata = {
  "name": "Alie",
  "symbol": "AAA",
  "description": "Alie token",
  "image": "./upload/img.jpg",
  "showName": true,
  "createdOn": "https://pump.fun",
  "twitter": "https://x.com/alie",
  "telegram": "https://t.me/alie",
  "website": "https://alie"

Step 4: Run the Script

πŸš€ Execute the script to launch your token and perform bundling:

npx ts-node example/basic/index.ts

Step 5: Verify Your Token

πŸ”— Use these tools to check your token launch and bundling status:

πŸ”§ SDK Methods


πŸ’‘ Purpose: Creates a token and buys it.
πŸ“œ Method Signature:

async createAndBuy(
  creator: Keypair,
  mint: Keypair,
  createTokenMetadata: CreateTokenMetadata,
  buyAmountSol: bigint,
  slippageBasisPoints: bigint = 500n,
  priorityFees?: PriorityFee,
  commitment: Commitment = DEFAULT_COMMITMENT,
  finality: Finality = DEFAULT_FINALITY
): Promise<TransactionResult>
  • Parameters:
    • πŸ”‘ creator: Creator's keypair.
    • πŸ”‘ mint: Mint account keypair.
    • πŸ“ createTokenMetadata: Metadata for the token.
    • πŸ’° buyAmountSol: Amount of SOL to buy.
    • πŸ“‰ slippageBasisPoints: Slippage (default: 500).


πŸ’‘ Purpose: Buy a specified amount of tokens.
πŸ“œ Method Signature:

async buy(
  buyer: Keypair,
  mint: PublicKey,
  buyAmountSol: bigint,
  slippageBasisPoints: bigint = 500n,
  priorityFees?: PriorityFee,
  commitment: Commitment = DEFAULT_COMMITMENT,
  finality: Finality = DEFAULT_FINALITY
): Promise<TransactionResult>


πŸ’‘ Purpose: Sell a specified amount of tokens.
πŸ“œ Method Signature:

async sell(
  seller: Keypair,
  mint: PublicKey,
  sellTokenAmount: bigint,
  slippageBasisPoints: bigint = 500n,
  priorityFees?: PriorityFee,
  commitment: Commitment = DEFAULT_COMMITMENT,
  finality: Finality = DEFAULT_FINALITY
): Promise<TransactionResult>

πŸ“‘ Event Listener Example

Subscribe to Events

Easily set up event listeners to monitor your token's lifecycle:

sdk.addEventListener("tradeEvent", (event, slot, signature) => {
  console.log("Trade Event:", event, slot, signature);

Run Event Script

npx ts-node example/events/events.ts

🀝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! πŸ’‘ Submit a pull request or open an issue to share your ideas.

🌟 Get Started Today!

🌐 Start your Pumpfun Bundler journey now!
πŸ”— If you need help, contact me on telegram @g0rlc to explore more.


pumpfun bundler, pumpfun bunder with jito, pumpfun bundler with 20 wallet, pumpfun bundler

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.8%Language:JavaScript 1.2%