ejisan / play-i18n-url

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Play URL Path Base Internationalization (I18n)


This is a request handler for play framework Scala. It handles the request path for all play default router to use internationalized path as the language tag, and resets Accept-Language.


If you find any weird behavior or bugs please report or issue me :) I always welcome your pull requests!



Add those resolver and dependency to build.sbt:
Currently it only supports Play Framework 2.5.x

// Adding resolver
resolvers += "EJISAN" at "https://ejisan.github.io/repo/"
// Adding dependency
libraryDependencies += "com.ejisan" %% "play-i18n-url" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"


  1. Add the request handler (conf/application.conf)
play.http {
  requestHandler = "ejisan.play.i18n.UrlI18nRequestHandler"
  1. Add the application languages (conf/application.conf)
    The format of the languages must fallow Language Tag Syntax which is defined in RFC5646.
play.i18n {
  # The application languages
  langs = [ "en-US", "es-US", "ja-JP", "en-JP" ]
  1. Your application is ready!
    UrlI18nRequestHandler will automatically add language tag at the head of the requested path and set to Accept-Language. If the language tag in the requested path is case insensitive, UrlI18nRequestHandler replaces it as right case and redirects it.
# http://example.com/en-US or http://example.com/ja-JP etc
GET     /                     controllers.Controller.index
# http://example.com/en-US/page1 or http://example.com/ja-JP/page1 etc
GET     /page1                controllers.Controller.page1

Sird router with Non-Internationalized Routing

Check about sird router

import javax.inject.Inject
import play.api.http.{ HttpErrorHandler, HttpConfiguration }
import play.api.i18n.DefaultLangs
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.routing._
import play.api.routing.sird._
import ejisan.play.i18n.{ UrlI18nRequestHandler, ScalaSirdRouterSupport }

class MyUrlI18nRequestHandler @Inject()(
  langs: DefaultLangs,
  defaultRouter: Router,
  errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler,
  httpConfiguration: HttpConfiguration)
  extends UrlI18nRequestHandler(langs, defaultRouter, errorHandler, httpConfiguration)
  with ScalaSirdRouterSupport {
  // Using a sird router
  def router: Router = Router.from {
    case GET(p"/") => Action {
      Results.Ok("Hello Play!")




Language:Scala 100.0%