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Gem City Tech Machine Learning AI models datasets and transfer learning

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GemCity-ML-AI_Models, Datasets and Transfer learning

Gem City Tech: Aug 18, 2022 Meetup

Evelyn J. Boettcher

Meeting Outline

  • Introductions
  • Sponsors
  • Pizza and drinks
  • Datasets and Models tutorial
  • Transfer learning tutorial
  • Open Discussion (seed topics)
    • What do you want to see next week
    • What do you want to in this meetup
    • Second round of introductions
    • What new tools/toys are you playing with?


I am, Evelyn Boettcher, and I am a physicist and have been doing machine learning on and off again before Tensorflow has been around. There is not currently a ML/AI or even a data science /visualization around Dayton and I thought that needed to change so I asked Allen if I could host a ML/AI group under Gem City Tech.

Allen May is the main Gem City Tech leader. Go to guy for all things web related.

Gem City Tech is a family of user groups bringing tech-focused content to the Dayton Ohio community. Their calendar is filled with opportunities to learn and share information 'about all things tech'.

Join us on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/nyDtEytbt6

Gem City ML / AI Sponsors

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Calendar Events

Intro to Datasets

From Widipedia

A data set (dataset) is a collection of data. Set is a math term and has the following properties: uniqueness.

Wikipedia's Classic Datasets

  • Iris flower data set – Multivariate data set introduced by Ronald Fisher (1936).
  • MNIST database – Images of handwritten digits commonly used to test classification, clustering, and image processing algorithms
  • ''data analysis'' – Data sets used in the book, ''An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis''.
  • ''Robust statistics'' – Data sets used in ''Robust Regression and Outlier Detection''
  • ''Time series'' – Data used in Chatfield's book, ''The Analysis of Time Series'', are provided on-line by StatLib.
  • ''Extreme values'' – Data used in the book, ''An Introduction to the Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values'' are a snapshot of the data as it was provided on-line by Stuart Coles, the book's author.
  • ''Bayesian Data Analysis'' – Data used in the book are provided on-line by [[Andrew Gelman]], one of the book's authors.
  • The Bupa liver data – Used in several papers in the machine learning (data mining) literature.
  • Anscombe's quartet – Small data set illustrating the importance of graphing the data to avoid statistical fallacies

There are several portals giving access to data sets:

TensorFlow Datasets

TensorFlow has curated lots of datasets for one to use. TensorFlow dataset can be found here https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/overview and it ranges for Audio to imagery. Many of these datasets are from publicly released challenge problems.


There are many trained models in the wild that you can use. Highly recommended for you to use a model from a trusted source.

Example: Face Recognition Dlib


TensorFlow provides many trained models for free that you can use. TensorFlow Models TensorFlow Hub

Let's play: TensorFlow Tutorial

NOTE: You may need to add one of the following to get it to run

!pip install -U tensorflow==2.8.2


!apt install --allow-change-held-packages libcudnn8=

First let's walk through the TensorFlow's Model Transfer image transfer Lerning

Let's play: Personal project


Why my family created this

Daughter's school keep posting image of her on the internet. We had to notify the school to remove images to get them removed. In order to do that, we need a way of finding out if her image was posted.

Scanning multiple sites was too time consuming for my family. However, scanning multiple sites is not CPU intensive.

This gave birth to PhotoMongo!
PhotoMongo Scema

photomongo Git

It uses serval open source projects.

Unfortunatly, I could not commerialize this because twitter does not allow companies to use their API in this manor. It would have been great to have this easily available for ofther parents worried about cyber bulling, stalking and unauthorized image posting.


Gem City Tech Machine Learning AI models datasets and transfer learning


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%