The premise of roxygen2 is simple: describe your functions in comments next to their definitions and roxygen2 will process your source code and comments to automatically generate .Rd
files in man/
, and, if needed, the Collate
# Install devtools from CRAN
# Or the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
The premise of roxygen2 is simple: describe your functions in comments next to their definitions and roxygen2 will process your source code and comments to produce Rd files in the man/
directory. Here's a simple example from the stringr package:
#' The length of a string
#' Technically this returns the number of "code points", in a string. One
#' code point usually corresponds to one character, but not always. For example,
#' an u with a umlaut might be represented as a single character or as the
#' combination a u and an umlaut.
#' @inheritParams str_detect
#' @return A numeric vector giving number of characters (code points) in each
#' element of the character vector. Missing string have missing length.
#' @seealso [stringi::stri_length()] which this function wraps.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str_length(letters)
#' str_length(NA)
#' str_length(factor("abc"))
#' str_length(c("i", "like", "programming", NA))
str_length <- function(string) {
When you roxygenise()
(or devtools::document()
) your package these comments will be automatically transformed to the .Rd
that R uses to generate the documentation you see when you type ?str_length
Learn more
To get started, first read vignette("roxygen2")
. Then read more about the specific package component that you want to generate:
Start with
to learn how document your functions with roxygen2. -
discusses how to document other things like datasets, the package itself, and the various pieces used by R's OOP systems. -
gives the details of roxygen2's rmarkdown support. -
demonstrates the tools available to reuse documentation in multiple places. -
describes how to generate aNAMESPACE
file, how namespacing works in R, and how you can use roxygen2 to be specific about what your package needs and supplies. -
For the
field in theDESCRIPTION
, see?update_collate()