This is for the spec file to be able to create SRPMs and RPMs of MakeMKV for Fedora. The MakeMKV RPMs are built with mock.
Install the rpmdevtools and mock packages
Add yourself to the "mock" group, log out, log in again
Setup RPM Fusion repository
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
Setup rpmfusion for mock
sudo dnf install mock-rpmfusion-free.noarch mock-rpmfusion-nonfree.noarch
Clone this repo and cd into the cloned directory
git clone cd Makemkv-Spec-for-Fedora
Build and Install the RPM package
This will also pull the current beta key from the MakeMKV website and write it to the configuration file for registration.
chmod +x ./
For future updates of MakeMKV, run the update script (provided this repository was updated for the updated version).
In case the Key runs out before there is a new update, you can also disable building and installing the RPM to only update the key by using the --nobuild
./ --nobuild
Note: These steps are not required anymore, as they have been integrated into the aforementioned update script. These are purely for reference in case you run into issues with the script (change version numbers accordingly).
Download the makemkv bin and oss tarballs
spectool -g makemkv.spec
Build the RPM packages (as a user in the "mock" group)
mock -r fedora-33-x86_64-rpmfusion_nonfree --sources=. --spec=makemkv.spec
Copy the resulting .rpm from the results directory that it prints out to your current directory
cp /var/lib/mock/fedora-33-x86_64/result/makemkv-1.16.3-1.fc33.*.rpm .
Install the .x86_64.rpm from the results directory and enjoy
sudo dnf install makemkv-1.16.3-1.fc33.x86_64.rpm