eight04 / parse-usercss

Parse usercss styles supported by the Stylus userstyle manager

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Parse usercss metadata supported by the Stylus userstyle manager


$ npm install --save parse-usercss

Via CDN:


const usercssMeta = require('parse-usercss');

const data = usercssMeta.parse(`/* ==UserStyle==
@name        test
@namespace   github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version     0.1.0
@description my userstyle
@author      Me
@var text my-color "Select a color" #123456
==/UserStyle== */`);

/* => {
  "vars": {
    "my-color": {
      "type": "text",
      "label": "Select a color",
      "name": "my-color",
      "value": null,
      "default": "#123456",
      "options": null
  "name": "test",
  "namespace": "github.com/openstyles/stylus",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "description": "my userstyle",
  "author": "Me"

usercssMeta.stringify(data, {alignKeys: true});

/* => `/* ==UserStyle==
@name        test
@namespace   github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version     0.1.0
@description my userstyle
@author      Me
@var         text my-color "Select a color" #123456
==/UserStyle== *\/`


API Reference

This module exports following members:

  • To parse metadata:
    • parse: Function. Parse metadata and return an object.
    • createParser: Function. Create a metadata parser.
    • ParseError: Class.
    • util: Object. A collection of parser utilities.
  • To stringify metadata:
    • stringify: Function. Stringify metadata object and return the string.
    • createStringifier: Function. Create a metadata stringifier.

parse(metadata: string, options?: object): object

This is a shortcut of


createParser(options?: object): Parser object

options may contain following properties:

  • unknownKey: String. Change the behavior when an unknown key is parsed. Possible values are:

    • ignore: The directive is ignored. Default.
    • assign: Assign the text value (characters before \s*\n) to result object.
    • throw: Throw a ParseError.
  • mandatoryKeys: Array<string>. Mark multiple keys as mandatory. If the key is missing in the metadata, the parser would throw an error. Default: ['name', 'namespace', 'version']

  • parseKey: Object. Extend the parser to parse additional keys. The object is a map of key: parseFunction pair. For example:

    const parser = createParser({
      mandatoryKeys: [],
      parseKey: {
        myKey: state => {
          const rx = /\d+/y;
          rx.lastIndex = state.lastIndex;
          const match = rx.exec(state.text);
          if (!match) {
            throw new ParseError('value must be numbers', state, state.lastIndex);
          state.index = match.index;
          state.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
          state.value = match[0];
    const result = parser.parse(`/* ==UserStyle==
    @myKey 123456
    assert(result.myKey === '123456');
  • parseVar: Object. Extend the parser to parse additional variable types. The object is a map of varType: parseFunction pair. For example:

    const parser = createParser({
      mandatoryKeys: [],
      parseVar: {
        myvar: state => {
          const rx = /\d+/y;
          rx.lastIndex = state.lastIndex;
          const match = rx.exec(state.text);
          if (!match) {
            throw new ParseError('value must be numbers', state, state.lastIndex);
          state.index = match.index;
          state.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
          state.value = match[0];
    const result = parser.parse(`/* ==UserStyle==
    @var myvar var-name 'Customized variable' 123456
    ==/UserStyle== */`);
    const va = result.vars['var-name'];
    assert(va.type === 'myvar');
    assert(va.label === 'Customized variable');
    assert(va.default === '123456');

This function returns a parser object which contains following members:

  • parse(text: string): ParseResult object: Function. Parse the string into a result object.

new ParseError(message, state: object, index: number)

Use this class to initiate a parse error. When catching the error, state and index can be accessed from error.state and error.index.


A collection of parser utilities. Some of them might be useful when extending the parser.

  • eatWhitespace(state): Move state.lastIndex to next non-whitespace character.
  • parseEOT(state): Parse EOT multiline string used by xStyle extension.
  • parseJSON(state): Parse JSON value. Note that the JSON parser can parse some additional syntax like single quoted string, backtick quoted multiline string, etc.
  • parseNumber(state): Parse numbers.
  • parseString(state): Parse quoted string.
  • parseStringToEnd(state): Parse the text value before line feed.
  • parseWord(state): Parse a word. ([\w-]+)

stringify(metadata: object, options?: object): string

This is a shortcut of:


createStringifier(options?: object): Stringifier object

options may contain following properties:

  • alignKeys: Boolean. Decide whether to align metadata keys. Default: false.

  • space: Number|String. Same as the space parameter for JSON.stringify.

  • format: String. Possible values are 'stylus' and 'xstyle'. This changes how variables are stringified (@var v.s. @advanced). Default: 'stylus'.

  • stringifyKey: Object. Extend the stringifier to handle specified keys.

    The object is a map of key: stringifyFunction pair. stringifyFunction would recieve one argument:

    • value: The value of the key, which is the same as metadataObject[key].

    The function should return a string or an array of strings.

  • stringifyVar: Object. Extend the stringifier to handle custom variable type.

    The object is a map of varType: stringifyFunction pair. The function would recieve three arguments:

    • variable: The variable which should be stringified, which is the same as metadataObject.vars[variable.name].
    • format: The format parameter of the option.
    • space: The space parameter of the option.

    The function should return a string which represents the default value of the variable.





Parse usercss styles supported by the Stylus userstyle manager



Language:JavaScript 100.0%