eidge / ajaxdb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AjaxDb is a framework agnostic data layer for your front-end. It aims to be the single-source of truth for data, effectively solving data synchronization across components and API whether you're using React, AngularJs or some other front-end framework.


Having gone through most of the modern front-end frameworks, I keep seeing the same challenge over and over again solved in different ways. The main problem with front-end applications is keeping state and keeping it in sync across all the different components.

React solves this with Redux and immutable data, AngularJS uses data-binding and shared objects across components. Both solutions with it's merits and problems but none of them perfect.

When digging a bit deeper it becomes clear that the problem is that we do not have a single-source of truth for data in the front-end (Actually we do, it's the API but is rather slow).

AjaxDb is a POC for a front-end data-layer that merges both an API client layer and a database with data subscriptions.

Getting Started



AjaxDb represents your store and is your interface to create models.

You either use the default one:

User = AjaxDb.Model.create({
  url: '/api/users/:id'

Or create your own store with overriden configuration:

MyStore = AjaxDb.create({
  http: {
    updateMethod: 'patch'
  cacheStore: MyCacheStore,
  baseUrl: '/api/v2'

User = MyStore.Model.create({
  url: '/users/:id'


User = AjaxDb.Model.create(
  url: '/api/users/:id',
  constructor: function(user) {}
  methods: {
    all: { method: 'get', path: '/' }
    get: { method: 'get', path: '/:id' },
    create:  { method: 'post' },
    update:  { method: 'put', '/:id' },
    destroy: { method: 'delete', '/:id' },
  fields: {
    firstName: AjaxDb.Field.String,
    lastName:  AjaxDb.Field.String,
    birthDate: AjaxDb.Field.Date

User.prototype.fullName = function() {
  return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;




  • #toApi
  • #fromApi




