ehrenfeu / MultiStackRegistration

Modified version of MultiStackRegistration, for use from scripts.

Repository from Github https://github.comehrenfeu/MultiStackRegistrationRepository from Github https://github.comehrenfeu/MultiStackRegistration


Modified version of MultiStackRegistration, for use from scripts.




Welcome to MultiStackReg v1.4!

This plugin has three modes of use:

  1. Align a single stack of images
  2. Align a stack to another stack
  3. Load a previously created transformation file

###To align a single stack:

Choose the image to be aligned in the Stack 1 dropdown box. Leave 'Align' in the Action 1 box.

###To align two stacks:

Place the reference stack in Stack 1's box, and the stack to be aligned in Stack 2's box. Select 'Use as Reference' as Action 1 and 'Align to First Stack' as Action 2.

###To load a transformation file:

Place the stack to be aligned in either stack box, choose 'Load Transformation File' in its Action dropdown box. The File field can be used as a shortcut to avoid having to select the matrix manually.


This work is based on the following paper:

P. Thévenaz, U.E. Ruttimann, M. Unser
A Pyramid Approach to Subpixel Registration Based on Intensity
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 27-41, January 1998.

This paper is available on-line at

Other relevant on-line publications are available at

Additional help available at

Ancillary TurboReg_ plugin available at

You'll be free to use this software for research purposes, but you should not redistribute it without our consent. In addition, we expect you to include a citation or acknowledgment whenever you present or publish results that are based on it.

A few changes (loadTransform, appendTransform, multi stack support) to support load/save functionality and multiple stacks were added by Brad Busse ( ) and released into the public domain, so go by their ^^ guidelines for distribution, etc.


Modified version of MultiStackRegistration, for use from scripts.


Language:Java 100.0%