eharris128 / engineering

Slim.AI - All Things Engineering

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Imagine the future where there are no more DevOps engineers and you, as a developer, can build and run your cloud-native apps without getting a PhD in infrastructure first. If it's the future you want to see, join us and change the world for developers just like you redefining how DevOps is done.

You'll be one of the first developers in the engineering organization we are building working directly with CTO. Every move you make will have a significant impact on the team and the product we are building. You'll create something that hasn't been done before solving many of your own problems and you'll get to build your own public brand and supercharge your professional career.

We are a remote first company where open source and contributing to the developer community are fundamental to our success. Your ability to communicate and collaborate internally and externally with others will be critical to your success and to the success of the entire company. You don't need to be an extrovert, but you can't expect to work alone no matter how great you are. Software engineering is a team 'sport'. You also need to have empathy for the open source users using their feedback as an opportunity to improve.

You will not be micromanaged and you won't spend your day in useless meetings. We do need a common cloud-native mindset and a platform thinking DNA to ensure we are on the same page. We also need to have a "written down" culture where each of us ensures that our discussions, meetings, reviews, demos and everything else is accessible to others later including the new team members, who will join us in the future.

We have a lightweight iterative process, which we'll adjust and improve with your input to make it work for all engineers. We are low on process with no mind-numbing bureaucracy. There's no Scrum and there's no JIRA. Making you productive and reducing friction is an important part of the engineering process.

We consider diverse and non-traditional backgrounds a huge strength in our engineers. We don't require degrees from the top universities, but we won’t hold it against you if you do have it :-) It's ok even if you don't have a degree at all as long as you know your craft and you can successfully collaborate with your team members. It doesn't mean the degrees have no value. It just means there's more than one way to learn and to become a professional software engineer.

Your ability to learn will be critical to your success. Software engineering is a knowledge discovery process. Learning is fundamental to this knowledge discovery process, so you need to be comfortable with learning new things all the time and you need to enjoy it, at least, a little bit.

We will treat you in a professional manner and we expect professional behavior from you as well. We are all human and conflicts, misunderstandings and disagreements will happen; however, being mean and disrespectful will not be tolerated.

We are in the early stage of our journey, but we have enough money to get us through COVID and beyond.

Engineering Principles

  1. We share a common cloud-native mindset and a platform thinking DNA.

  2. We have a written down and transparent culture that enables our remote first asynchronous approach to engineering.

  3. We have a lightweight engineering process based on trust, self-alignment and visibility.

  4. We self-align optimizing for the needs of our organization first avoiding local optimization.

  5. We don’t design by committee.

  6. We create stage appropriate designs that can evolve and that can be thrown away when necessary.

  7. We optimize for evolvable architecture building an extensible and composable system with disposable components using an API first approach.

  8. We optimize our designs for people first and machines second.

  9. We use what we build.

  10. We learn fast, learn a lot and learn together.

  11. We share knowledge and give back to the tech community.

See the Engineering Principles page to learn more.

What You’ll be Working With

We are a seed stage startup in the developer tooling and DevOps space empowering developers to build and run their cloud-native applications. Most of the product is still on the drawing board, so there's a lot to build.

The current product is focusing on containers and the friction around them in various phases of the DevOps process. It will grow beyond the containers use cases expanding to other parts of the cloud-native stack.

Current Tech Stack Highlights

  • AWS (serverless, containers, EC2)
  • Vue.js/Nuxt.js-based frontend (with D3-based visualizations)
  • Node.js-based BFF (Backend For Frontend)
  • Go-based platform backend.
  • Go-based core engine (containers and low level Linux system internals).

What We Are Looking For

We are looking for people who'll be excited to be a part of the engineering team in an early stage startup during its inception phase building modern cloud-native applications the right way.

Alignment with our Engineering Principles is important too.

Key Qualities We Care About

  • A cloud-native mindset and a platform thinking DNA
  • Modern cloud-native application design patterns and tooling background
  • Ability and desire to learn a lot

Open Engineering Roles

If you are interested in one of these roles, don't send a resume. Write a short note instead... Share your thoughts about cloud-native and what it means to you in addition to the relevant information about you. Email it to

Laptop Options

  • Pixelbook Go (Linux*)
  • Dell XPS 13 - Developer Edition (Linux)
  • Dell Precision 5550 Mobile Workstation (Linux)


Slim.AI - All Things Engineering