egormanga / mirraur

The AUR helper of a dream

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A server-side AUR helper of a dream, finally been made real.


The basic idea is to emulate a Pacman repository to manage AUR packages with on-demand and/or automated builds & updates.

The (planned) ecosystem consists of these parts:

  • Server-side (mirraur):
    • Pacman mirror emulator
    • Package build server
    • Repository DB manager daemon
    • Version & dependency checker
    • AUR scraper
    • Email subscription client (for reliable update tracking of important packages)
    • Client RPC API
  • Client-side (yr):
    • AUR package search
    • Stateless OTP Auth on server
    • Build status check
    • Pacman's .pac{new,save,orig} file management
    • Managing package upgrades, either of:
      • Upstream tracking request to Mirraur, or
      • Local update checking (in which case the server would possibly be stateless)

Among planned features are:

  • Client-defined custom build options (such as CPU architecture flags for optimizations)
  • Interactive building status update via HTTP redirects in Pacman itself while downloading the package
  • Parallel downloading/building support
  • Various limits with task queue
  • Automatic configurable package & source clean-ups
  • Manual intervention mode for when an automatic build fails (probably through an ssh session into a temporary container/chroot using yr with a result of PKGBUILD.patch generation)


  • Why write everything in a huge mono-file?
    Multiple files scare me. I like scrolling more than clicking or, even worse, — browsing.
    Also, my source code browser likes this.

  • Why asyncio?
    Trying to be sleek!

  • Why the client is named yr?
    It's a tribute in loving memory to Yaourt, to which I used to have a bash alias of that name a long time before Mirraur came to life.

  • How to pronounce «Mirraur»?
    Just like 'mirror', but with a bit longer '[ə]'. Or like 'mirr-our', I can't tell if these are any different :P

P.S. Trackballs are a great thing. Just saying.