eginnovations / spring-petclinic-microservices

This project is manually re-architected to micro-service application using spring boot framework with kubernetes support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spring Petclinic App - SpringBoot Based Microservices On OpenShift

Deploy petclinic app with eG BTM monitoring enabled.

eG Service Topology



  • git
  • java 8
  • maven 3.5.0+
  • docker
    • Ensure that docker cli pre-configured with docker registry to push the images.
  • oc
    • Ensure that oc cli pre-configured with cluster.


git clone
cd spring-petclinic-microservices

[Optional] Update eG RUM Script In The Frontend App

vi spring-petclinic/src/main/resources/templates/fragments/layout.html

Build Application Jars

mvn clean package -f spring-petclinic/pom.xml  
mvn clean package -f OwnerService/pom.xml  
mvn clean package -f PetService/pom.xml  
mvn clean package -f VetService/pom.xml  
mvn clean package -f VisitService/pom.xml

Verify Application Jars

ls -alth spring-petclinic/target/*.jar 
ls -alth OwnerService/target/*.jar 
ls -alth PetService/target/*.jar 
ls -alth VetService/target/*.jar 
ls -alth VisitService/target/*.jar 

Build Docker Images

Note: egapm is a docker hub namespace name, replace with yours.

docker build --squash -t egapm/spring-petclinic:frontend-svc -f spring-petclinic/Dockerfile spring-petclinic/.  
docker build --squash -t egapm/spring-petclinic:owners-svc -f OwnerService/Dockerfile OwnerService/.  
docker build --squash -t egapm/spring-petclinic:pets-svc -f PetService/Dockerfile PetService/.  
docker build --squash -t egapm/spring-petclinic:vets-svc -f VetService/Dockerfile VetService/.  
docker build --squash -t egapm/spring-petclinic:visits-svc -f VisitService/Dockerfile VisitService/.  
docker build --squash -t egapm/spring-petclinic:mysql-db -f mysql/Dockerfile mysql/.

Push Docker Images

docker push egapm/spring-petclinic:frontend-svc  
docker push egapm/spring-petclinic:pets-svc  
docker push egapm/spring-petclinic:owners-svc  
docker push egapm/spring-petclinic:vets-svc  
docker push egapm/spring-petclinic:visits-svc  
docker push egapm/spring-petclinic:mysql-db

Create PullSecret To Avoid Docker Hub Pull Request Limitation

oc create secret generic regcred \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/root/.docker/config.json \

Update eG Manager Details In The eG Agent Daemonset Yaml

vi k8s/eg-agent/egagent.yaml

Deploy eG Agent Into OpenShift

oc apply -f k8s/eg-agent/.

Deploy Microservices Into OpenShift

Note: Update your new image name in all the YAMLs.

# Petclinic App
oc apply -f k8s/app/namespace_and_service_account/.
oc apply -f k8s/app/db/.
oc apply -f k8s/app/.

Verify Pods

# eG Agent
oc get pods -n egagent

# Petclinic App
oc get pods -n spring-petclinic

Get URL To Access The App

# Petclinic App
oc get routes -n spring-petclinic

Delete Microservices From OpenShift

# Petclinic App
oc delete -f k8s/app/db/.
oc delete -f k8s/app/.

Delete App Namespace From OpenShift - Full Clean-Up

# Petclinic App
oc delete -f k8s/app/namespace_and_service_account/.

Delete eG Agent From OpenShift

# eG Agent
oc delete -f k8s/eg-agent/.

To Deploy App Only

  • If you dont want to build and dont want to monitor using eG, use below cmd to try out Petclinic app. Note: Update your new image name in all the YAMLs.

    oc apply -f k8s/plain-app/namespace_and_service_account/.
    oc apply -f k8s/plain-app/db/.
    oc apply -f k8s/plain-app/.


This project is manually re-architected to micro-service application using spring boot framework with kubernetes support


Language:Java 80.3%Language:HTML 9.7%Language:Less 9.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%