eggheadgames / aws-sdk-ios-mobileanalytics

AWS iOS SDK for Mobile Analytics, and dependancies - Just the files that are needed for Analytics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Amazon Mobile Analytics for iOS

Mobile Analytics binaries from AWS Mobile SDK for iOS.

The aws-sdk-ios library can take 30 minutes to compile. This can be painful when all you need is a couple of pieces of it. This library has just the compiled binary for AWSMobileAnalytics.

How to use with Carthage

Add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "eggheadgames/aws-sdk-ios-mobileanalytics"

This will include the latest version. Look under the Releases tab to see other versions that might be available.

How to build

  1. Clone
  2. Build in Xcode
  3. Locate AWSCore.framework and AWSMobileAnalytics.framework build artifacts
  4. Create with the following structure:
    |-+ Carthage
      |-+ Build
        |-+ iOS
          |- AWSCore.framework
          |- AWSMobileAnalytics.framework
  5. Draft GitHub release of eggheadgames/aws-sdk-ios-mobileanalytics
  6. Add as binary attachement
  7. Publish new release


AWS iOS SDK for Mobile Analytics, and dependancies - Just the files that are needed for Analytics