egemengulpinar / google-drive-and-python

Repository from Github https://github.comegemengulpinar/google-drive-and-pythonRepository from Github https://github.comegemengulpinar/google-drive-and-python

Google Drive Downloader

A python scripts that uses Google Drive API to download folders or files.




  1. Git clone this repo:
git clone
  1. Create an Python 3.8.5 >= environment:
conda create -n gdrive-api python=3.10.9
conda activate gdrive-api
  1. Install required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Get client_secret.json from Google API

Open Google Console and write Google Drive API to search bar. Click Create Credentials / OAuth Client ID then create your project. After download your client_secretXXX.json file and save it as "client_secret.json"

Download using Google Drive API

You may state two arguments to run the

  • '-l' or '--link': One or more files or folders sharable link you would like to download (Must be given)
  • '-i' or '--id': One or more files or folders ID you would like to download (Must be given)
  • '-n' or '--name': One or more folder names you would like to search and download in given parent folder ID (Optional)."

For example:

CASE 1: Download folders or files with their sharable links

  • To download a folder with all items it contains, specifying its sharable links as below:
python -l
  • To download multiple folders:
python -i DRIVE_LINK1 DRIVE_LINK2 ...
  • If you want to download a file only. Also, you only have to provide the ID.

CASE 2: Download specifically named folders with the given parent folder sharable link

  • To search folder with folder name folder_1 under the parent folder with given ID:
python -i DRIVE_LINK -n folder_1

This would only download the folder_1 folder with all its content. You may specific multiple IDs and names.




Language:Python 100.0%