efernandezpascual / seedarcms

Repository from Github https://github.comefernandezpascual/seedarcmsRepository from Github https://github.comefernandezpascual/seedarcms


SeedArc, a global archive of primary seed germination data

This repository stores all information related to the publication SeedArc, a global archive of primary seed germination data, including raw data, R scripts to process and analyse data, and Rmarkdown files to create the manuscript.

Seed germination is a key stage in a plant’s life that is controlled by numerous environmental conditions, but many data on germination-environment relationships remain inaccessible and many plant lineages and biomes are underrepresented. Since available information is scattered into a multitude of sources and germination metrics, there is a need for a unified open-science database to archive and share seed germination data. To meet this need and to stimulate continental and global eco-evolutionary research, we launch SeedArc, a global archive of primary seed germination data (www.unioviedo.es/seedarc/). SeedArc aims to mobilize the wealth of seed germination data that has been produced by decades of studies on seed ecology and conservation. We expect SeedArc to strengthen international collaborative projects in plant science, linking the seed research community with other data synthesis initiatives.


This repository is organised following the advice of Wilson et al. 2017 for recording and storing research projects.

The following materials are available in the folders of this repository:

  • data Primary data used to create Figure 1.
  • src Script in R language to create Figure 1.
  • doc Files to create the manuscript using Rmarkdown.


Please cite this repository as:

Fernández-Pascual E, Carta A, Rosbakh S, Guja L, Phartyal SS, Silveira FAO, Chen S, Larson JE, Jiménez-Alfaro B (2023) SeedArc, a global archive of primary seed germination data. New Phytologist 240, 466-470.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:R 100.0%