eerne / fildes

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Provides native promises for all file system methods involving file descriptors (FD), basically manages for you.

file descriptor (FD, less frequently fildes)


npm i --save fildes


fildes always returns a new native Promise!

var fildes = require('fildes');

fildes.write('./path/to/file.txt', 'The quick green fix')
    // error


  • I needed an API that returns Promises
  • provides nice defaults i.e. suitable flags for open, read and write, see fildes/issues/1
  • creates a directories if flag is w, w+, a or a+
  • uses no magic
  • promises useful methods, for copy, mkdir, rmdir, etc.
  • some very popular node modules use fs.exists() which is deprecated…

fs.exists() should not be used to check if a file exists before calling Doing so introduces a race condition since other processes may change the file's state between the two calls. Instead, user code should call directly and handle the error raised if the file is non-existent.

fs.exists Stability: 0 - Deprecated (Node.js v5.0.0 File System API)


Read chunk of many files

Promise.all(['file.txt', 'file2.txt'].map(function(path){
    return, {
        'length': 262,
        'position': 0
    // chunk of file 1
    // chunk of file 2

Get the size of many files

var files = ['a.txt', 'b.json', 'c.txt'];

    return fildes.fstat(file)
        return stat.size;
    console.log('got filesizes', sizes);

Check if multiple files exist

var files = ['buffer.txt', 'nothere.txt', 'dir'];

    return fildes.fstat(file)
        return stat.isFile();
        return false;

Keep file descriptor (FD) open and use multiple times
    // write first time
    return fildes.write(fd, 'Hi there!')
        var word = new Buffer('again');
        // write second time on the same fd
        return fildes.write(fd, word, {
            'offset': 0,
            'length': 5,
            'position': 3
        return fildes.stats(fd);
        // manually close fd
        return fildes.close(fd);


open (path[, options])

Opens a file descriptor (FD). If flags is 'w', 'w+', 'a' or 'a+' open will check for 'ENOENT: no such file or directory' error and try to mkdir. is used internally for write, read and fstat. Manually opening and closing is optional as all methods take a path and internally open and close.

  • path String
  • options Object
    • flag or flags String defaults to 'w+'
    • mode String defaults to '0666''./no/file/here.txt', {
    'flag': 'r'
    // file descriptor (FD)
    // returns  { [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory..

See also (Node.js File System API)

close (fd)

Closes a file descriptor (FD). Methods generally take care about closing if a path was given. If a file descriptor (FD) was passed fildes will not close by itself.'./file.txt')
    // do something
    // manually close fd
    return fildes.close(fd);

write (path, data[, options])

Promise to open a file descriptor, write data to it and close it. Uses open internally which checks for 'ENOENT' error then tries to mkdir.

If data is type of Object it will be converted to JSON.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD)
  • data String | Object | Buffer
  • options Object
    • flag or flags String defaults to 'w' unless position > 0 in that case it is 'r+', see also open
    • mode String, see open
    • If data is of type String or Object, fs.write (Node.js File System API)
      • position
      • encoding (optional)
    • If data is a Buffer, fs.write (Node.js File System API)
      • offset
      • length
      • position (optional)

Example writing a String

fildes.write('./new/dir/file.txt', 'some data\n')
    console.log('dir created and file written!');

Example writing JSON

fildes.write('./path/to/file.json', {
    'some': 'data'

Example using a Buffer

var buffer = new Buffer('Hello World!');

fildes.write('./path/to/file.txt', buffer, {
    'offset': 0,
    'length': buffer.length

writeFile (path, data[, options])

Promise uses fs.writeFile.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD, introduced in Node.js 5.x)
  • data String | Object | Buffer
  • options Object (optional)
    • encoding, mode, flag

Example writing JSON

fildes.writeFile('./path/to/file.json', { 'data': 1 });

See also fs.writeFile (Node.js File System API)

read (path[, buffer], options)

Promise to read a file to a buffer.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD)
  • buffer Buffer (optional)
  • options Object
    • flag | flags String defaults to 'r', see also open
    • offset Number defaults to 0 (optional)
    • length Number
    • position Number (optional)
    • encoding String (optional)'./path/to/file.txt', {
    'length': 8,
    'encoding': 'utf8'

Read to a Buffer

var buffer = new Buffer(8);'./path/to/file.txt', buffer, {
    'offset': 0,
    'length': 8,
    'position': 0

readFile (path[, options])

Promise uses fs.readFile.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD, introduced in Node.js 5.x)
  • options Object (optional)
    • encoding, flag
    console.log('got', buffer.toString());

See also fs.readFile (Node.js File System API)

appendFile (path, data[, options])

Promise uses fs.appendFile.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD, introduced in Node.js 5.x)
  • data Buffer | String
  • options Object (optional)
    • encoding, flag, mode
fildes.appendFile('./path/to/file.txt', '2015-11-07 GET /robots.txt ')
    console.log('added some data');

See also fs.appendFile (Node.js File System API)

stats (path[, options])

Promise file stats. alias for fildes.fstat.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD)
  • options Object
    • flag | flags String defaults to 'r', see also open

See also fs.fstat (Node.js File System API)

truncate (path[, options])

Promise truncate, alias for fildes.ftruncate.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD)
  • options Object
    • flag | flags String defaults to 'r+', see also open
    • length | len Number, defaults to 0
fildes.truncate('./path/to/file.txt', {
    'length': 8

See also fs.ftruncate (Node.js File System API)

utime (path[, options])

Promise utime, alias for fildes.futime.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD)
  • options Object
    • flag | flags String defaults to 'r+', see also open
    • access | atime UNIX timestamp or Date, defaults to new Date
    • modification | mtime UNIX timestamp or Date, defaults to new Date
fildes.utimes('./path/to/file.txt', {
    'access': - (60 * 60 * 1000),
    'modification': new Date('2015-10-26')

See also fs.futime (Node.js File System API)

chmod (path[, options])

Promise chmod, alias for fildes.fchmod.

  • path String | file descriptor (FD)
  • options Object
    • flag | flags String defaults to 'r+', see also open
    • mode String | Integer
fildes.chmod('./path/to/file.txt', {
    'mode': 0700 // nobody else

unlink (path)

Promise uses fs.unlink (Node.js File System API).

    console.log('file removed!');
    // unlink thorws an error if file not found

rename (oldPath, newPath)

Promise uses fs.rename (Node.js File System API).

fildes.rename('./path/to/old.txt', './path/moved/to/new.txt')
    console.log('file moved!');
    // unlink thorws an error if file not found

readdir (path)

Promise uses fs.readdir (Node.js File System API).

  • path String
    // readdir thorws an error no such file or directory

mkdir (path)

Promise uses mkdirp (NPM Documentation).

  • path String
  • options Object (optional)
    • mode
    console.log('directory created!');

rm (path)

Promise fildes.rm alias fildes.rmdir uses rimraf (NPM Documentation).

    console.log('directory removed!');

copy (files, destination, [options])

Promise fildes.cp alias fildes.copy uses cpy (NPM Documentation).

fildes.cp(['./data/*.txt'], './destination')
    console.log('directory copied!');


npm install

npm test

# debug
DEBUG=fildes npm test

# debug all
DEBUG=fildes* npm test




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