eejai42 / AirtableDigitalVideoProduction

Empty seed, based on an Airtable Single Source of Truth.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Ionic Sassy Seed based on an base.

Full Roadmap

For a full project roadmap, use:


  • Roadmap - Project Phases/Budget
  • User Stories
  • Actors
  • Lexicon - API
  • Entities - things
  • App States
  • Settings

Or, for an empty starting project, use:

Other Starter Templates:

Using this Seed:

Create an Base is by far the best tool I've found (so far) for describing a Single Source of Truth. It has all the flexibility of a Spreadsheet + the formal structure of a Database.

There are a list of starter templates above. You can either pick one of the example templates above, or start with an Empty template and build your own.

  1. Copy an Airtable Template above

    • Open one of the airtables above and Click copy base in the top right corner to create a copy in your own account.
  2. Customize the Airtable

    • Just follow the patterns established. Add as many sheets of data as you want, and simply list each sheet on the "Entities" tab. That's the only "rule".
  3. Generate an API key on your account

    • If you have not already created an API Key - this is how to do it.
    • Close the airtable to get to the home page.
    • Click on your account icon in the top right corner of the screen and choose "Account"
    • Scroll down and click "Generate Key" to create an API key
  4. Copy BaseID and APIKey

    • Open the API Documentation and choose show API key in the top right corner. Copy your airtable base id and api key from the documentation.

Fork and Clone this Repo

  1. Fork and Clone this repo

    • Click Fork in the top right corner of Github
  2. Rename the copy created in your account.

    • Rename the repo on the settings tab.
  3. Clone the repo

    • Clone the repo to a folder on your local computer.
  4. Add Base ID and API key from Above.

    • Update the "SSoTmeProject.json" file in the root folder to add your Base ID and API Key copied above.
  5. Make sure you have the latest CLI tools installed.

  6. Run the ssotme -init

    • Open a powershell prompt in the repo root folder, and type >ssotme -init.
      The name of the project will be inferred from the name of the folder.
    • NOTE - if the Base ID OR API KEY is wrong - it will be reported right away in the init process as a 404 error on Airtable.

    • Also - if the AirtableName values for any enties included do not match a tab in your Airtable, the CLI will complain and tell you which entity does not match.

  7. Download Packages & Build Ionic Mobile App

    • Move into the /ionic-ts-sidemenu/ folder and type >prepare-ionic.bat to start the ionic project downloading npm packages and building the mobile app.
  8. Create Sql Server DB

    • Run the /SqlServer/UpdateSchema.sql to create (or update the schema for) a SQL Server Database.
  9. Open Visual Studio

    • Open the Visual Studio Solution (.sln) file that will be in the project root folder.
  10. Include additional project files

    • In visual studio open /Windows/CoreLibrary/SassyMQ/ and include the 3 .cs files which are not automatically included.

    • In the visual studio project, open /MVCRestAPI/Controllers/ and include the api/*Controller.cs rest api controllers which are not automatically included in the project when detected.

Run the project

  1. Make the MVCRestAPI the startup project in the solution.

  2. Press F5 to run the project. This will start the REST API.

  3. in powershell, run ionic-ts-sidemenu/>ionic serve to start the Ionic Mobile app.

Et Voila!

"Spreadsheet" to mobile app in less than 10 minutes.


Empty seed, based on an Airtable Single Source of Truth.


Language:JavaScript 71.3%Language:PLpgSQL 11.1%Language:C# 7.8%Language:HTML 5.1%Language:TypeScript 2.9%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:XSLT 0.7%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:ASP 0.0%