edwardfoyle / amp-cli-pkg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Contains scripts for packaging the Amplify CLI as a native binary

Packaging instructions

  1. If packaging the latest version of the CLI on NPM, skip to step 6
  2. Start verdaccio locally using https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-cli/blob/68315350e52ff9db4c9bffeb6254b70894420333/.circleci/config.base.yml#L96-L99
  3. In your local Amplify CLI repo, replace this line with "publish-to-verdaccio": "lerna publish --yes --no-git-tag-version --no-commit-hooks --no-push --exact --dist-tag=latest --conventional-commits",
  4. Make sure you have built the changes to the Amplify CLI that you want to include (using yarn dev-build)
  5. Run yarn publish-to-verdaccio
  • This will update package.json and CHANGELOG.md files in the repo. This can be reverted with git checkout -- packages/*/package.json packages/*/CHANGELOG.md
  1. Run yarn && yarn cli-all in this repository
  2. The binaries will be compiles to the out directory

To build a new version, you will need to delete the Verdaccio cache in order to publish a new version to Verdaccio. To ensure no cross-contamination from previous versions, it is best to run yarn pkg-clean before running yarn cli-all again To package a different tag / version of the CLI, update the CLI dependency in pkg/package.json

Uploading instructions

  1. Go to https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-cli/releases/new to create a new release on GitHub
  2. Attach the 3 binaries in the out directory to the release. DO NOT RENAME THEM!
  3. Tag the release as v<version>-alpha.0 where <version> is the semver string returned by running version with the packaged CLI being uploaded
  • If there is already a published version, increment the 0 at the end of the release tag
  1. For release title enter v4.33.0-alpha.0 (NOT FOR PRODUCTION)
  2. For the description enter:

This is an initial release of the CLI packaged as a native binary. It is not intended for production at this point.
  1. Do NOT check the "this is a pre-release" checkbox
  2. Once the files are done uploading (it can take a while), click "Update release"


License:Apache License 2.0