eduardosaveiga / laravel-uikit-3-forms

UIKit 3 form builder for Laravel 5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UIKit 3 forms for Laravel 5

This is a package for creating UIKit 3 styled form elements in Laravel 5.


  • Labels
  • Error messages
  • UIKit 3 markup and classes (including state, colors, and sizes)
  • Error validation messages
  • Form fill (using model instance, array or after form submission when a validation error occurs)
  • Internationalization
  • Add parameters using php chaining approach
  • Zero dependences (no Laravel Collective dependency)



<div class="uk-margin">
    <label class="uk-form-label" for="username">Username</label>
    <input type="text" class="uk-input @if ($errors->has('username')) uk-form-danger @endif " id="username" value="{{ old('username', $username) }}">
    @if ($errors->has('username'))
		<span class="uk-label uk-label-danger">
			<small>{{ $errors->first('username') }}


Form::text('username', 'Username')


Require the package using Composer.

composer require eduardosaveiga/laravel-uikit-3-forms

Laravel 5.5 or above

If you is using Laravel 5.5, the auto discovery feature will make everything for you and your job is done, you can start using now. Else, follow the steps below to install.

Laravel 5.4

Add the service provider to your config/app.php file

'providers' => [

Add the BootForm facade to the aliases array in config/app.php:

'aliases' => [
    'Form' => EduardoVeiga\Uikit3Forms\Uikit3FormsFacade::class,


Basic form controls

Opening and closing a form

// Opening a form using POST method

{!! Form::open() !!}
// ... Form components here
{!! Form::close() !!}

Opening the form will add _token field automatically for you

Basic inputs

Text inputs

Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
$label string null Input label
$default string null Default value
// Example
{!! Form::text('name', 'User name') !!}
Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
$label string null Input label
$default string null Default value
// Example
{!! Form::textarea('description', 'Description') !!}
Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
$label string null Input label
$options array [] Select options
$default string null Default value
// Example
{!! Form::select('city', 'Choose your city', [1 => 'Gotham City', 2 => 'Springfield']) !!}
Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
$label string null Input label
$value string null Input value
$default boolean null Default value
// Example
{!! Form::checkbox('orange', 'Orange') !!}
Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
$label string null Input label
$value string null Input value
$default boolean null Default value
// Example
{!! Form::radio('orange', 'Orange') !!}
Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
$label string null Input label
$default string null Default value
$min string 0 Minimum value
$max string 10 Maximum value
$step string 0.1 Step value
// Example
{!! Form::range('like', 'Like', '2', '0', '20', '1') !!}
Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
$default boolean null Default value
// Example
{!! Form::hidden('user_id') !!}
Param Type Default Description
$value string null Anchor text
$url string null Anchor url
// Example
{!! Form::anchor("Link via parameter", 'foo/bar') !!}
Param Type Default Description
$value string null Button value
// Example
{!! Form::submit("Send form") !!}
// Example
{!! Form::button("Do something") !!}
// Example
{!! Form::reset("Clear form") !!}

Chainable methods

This package uses chaining feature, allowing easly pass more parameters.

Filling a form

Param Type Default Description
$data object array null
// Examples

// With initial data using a Model instance
$user = User::find(1);
{!! Form::open()->fill($user) !!}

// With initial array data
$user = ['name' => 'Jesus', 'age' => 33];
{!! Form::open()->fill($user) !!}


Use in anchors and forms openings

Param Type Default Description
$url string null Url
// Example
{!! Form::anchor("Link via url")->url('foo/bar') !!}


Use in anchors and forms openings

Param Type Default Description
$route string null Route name
// Example
{!! Form::anchor("Link via route")->route('home') !!}


Set the checkbox/radio checked status

Param Type Default Description
$checked boolean true Checked status
// Examples

// Using readonly field
{!! Form::checkbox('agree', 'I agree')->checked() !!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off checked status
{!! Form::checkbox('agree', 'I agree')->checked(false) !!}


Set the checkbox/radio checked status

// Examples
{!! Form::radio('orange', 'Orange')->inline() !!}

{!! Form::checkbox('orange', 'Orange')->inline() !!}


Param Type Default Description
$placeholder string null Placeholder text
// Example
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->placeholder('Input placeholder') !!}

Select Multiple

// Example
{!! Form::select('city', 'Choose your city', [1 => 'Gotham City', 2 => 'Springfield'])->multiple() !!}


Using locale, the package will look for a resources/lang/{CURRENT_LANG}/forms/user.php language file and uses labels and help texts as keys for replace texts

// Example
{!! Form::open()->locale('forms.user') !!}

{!! Form::text('name', '') !!}

Help Text

Param Type Default Description
$text string null Help text
// Examples

// Conventional way
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->help('Help text here') !!}

// Using locale
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->help('help.text') !!}

Custom attributes

Param Type Default Description
$attrs array [] Custom input attributes
// Example
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->attrs(['data-foo' => 'bar', 'rel'=> 'baz']) !!}


Param Type Default Description
$status boolean true Read only status
// Examples

// Using readonly field
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->readonly() !!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off readonly status
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->readonly(false) !!}


Param Type Default Description
$status boolean true Disabled status
// Examples

// Disabling a field
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->disabled() !!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off disabled status
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->disabled(false) !!}


Param Type Default Description
$status boolean true Disabled status
// Examples

// Field and button at full size
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->full() !!}

{!! Form::button('name')->full() !!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off block status
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->full(false) !!}


Param Type Default Description
$icon string null UIKit icon name
$flip boolean false Side of icon
$clickable boolean false Icon inside an anchor
(only works with inputs)
$attrs array empty Attributes
// Examples

{!! Form::text('email', 'Email')->icon('mail') !!}

{!! Form::button('send')->icon('check', true) !!}


Param Type Default Description
$id string null Id field
// Example
{!! Form::text('name', 'Name')->id('user-name') !!}

Id prefix

All ids will prepend by this prefix like: prefix-myid

Param Type Default Description
$prefix string null Id prefix
// Example


Param Type Default Description
$multipart boolean true Multipart flag
// Examples
{!! Form::open()->multipart() !!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off multipart
{!! Form::open()->multipart(false) !!}


Param Type Default Description
$method string null HTTP method
// Examples
{!! Form::open()->method('get') !!}
{!! Form::open()->method('post') !!}
{!! Form::open()->method('put') !!}
{!! Form::open()->method('patch') !!}
{!! Form::open()->method('delete') !!}


Param Type Default Description
$color string null Color name
// Examples
{!! Form::button("Do something")->color('primary') !!}

{!! Form::button("Do something")->color('secondary') !!}


Param Type Default Description
$size string null Size name
// Examples
{!! Form::button("Do something")->size('small') !!}

{!! Form::button("Do something")->size('large') !!}


Param Type Default Description
$type string null Type field
// Examples

// Password field
{!! Form::text('password', 'Your password')->type('password') !!}

// Number field
{!! Form::text('age', 'Your age')->type('number') !!}

// Email field
{!! Form::text('email', 'Your email')->type('email') !!}


Param Type Default Description
$name string null Input name
// Examples
{!! Form::text('text')->name('name') !!}


Param Type Default Description
$label string null Input label
// Examples
{!! Form::text('age')->label('Your age') !!}

Default Value

Param Type Default Description
$value mixed null Input value
// Example
{!! Form::text('name', 'Your name')->value('Maria') !!}


Param Type Default Description
$render string null Render name
// Examples

// Number field
{!! Form::render('text')->name('age')->label('Your age') !!}


UIKit 3 form builder for Laravel 5

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%