edoardob90 / finance-tracker-bot

A Telegram bot that helps with your personal finances

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The development branch currently is the service-account branch.
New features and bug fixes are pushed to that branch until the app is approved by Google and is able to use permanent OAuth credentials.

Finance Tracker bot

A Telegram bot that helps with your personal finances. It's an experimental and work-in-progress project that provides (or will provide in the future) the following functions:

  1. Record an expense/income in a local, persistent storage
  2. Connect to a given Google Spreadsheet document via OAuth2
  3. Query the data stored in the Google Spreadsheet, e.g., to report monthly summaries or to set alerts on some expense categories


Bot config

The bot requires a few environment variables to be set to work properly. They should be placed in a file called .env in the same directory of finance_tracker_bot.py.

These are the variables that can be configured:

Variable Purpose
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN the token of the bot (required) as provided by the BotFather
MODE either 'polling' (default) or 'webhook'. Sets how the bot will interact with Telegram API
WEBHOOK_URL if MODE is set to 'webhook', this is required. It's the URL where Telegram should send the POST request upon receiving an update for the bot
PORT listen port of the local web server started by python-telegram-bot if in webhook mode. Default is 5000
LISTEN_URL URL of the server that will receive webhook requests. By default is localhost (
DEVELOPER_USER_ID user ID of a Telegram account where to send error logs and info about exceptions raised while the bot is running (optional)
CREDS_FILE path to the client secred JSON file (see below). Default is credentials.json in the same directory of finance_tracker_bot.py
LOG_LEVEL a valid log level as documented by the logging module. Default is INFO
DB_USER username for Postgres (required). It should be possible to login to Postgres with psql -U $DB_USER
DB_PASS password of DB_USER (required)
DB_NAME database name where to store user data and APS jobs (required)
DATA_DIR where to store users' access tokens after a successful login with Google. Tokens are also stored in-memory (and saved to the database), so this should be considered as (less safe) backup location. Default is a storage directory

Google API

Using Google Sheets API requires the authentication via OAuth2 and the user consent using a Google Account. The authentication token is retrieved by the bot during the auth step, but a credentials file (also known as "client secret" file) is required. The absolute path of this file should be stored in an environment variable named CREDS_FILE. If that variable is not set, the client secret filename is assumed to be credentials.json and placed in the same directory of the bot. The client secret file contains sensitive information, hence it should be kept in a safe location.

How to obtain a client secret file

The first prerequisite is to have an account on Google Cloud Platform and an active project (create a new one if necessary).



Main commands:

  • /start: start the bot
  • /record: record a new expense/income, show or clear the current data stored locally
  • /summary: obtain a summary from your spreadsheet data (not implemented yet)
  • /settings: manage user's settings: login to Google, setup the spreadsheet, or configure the append task schedule
  • /help: print a usage message



A Telegram bot that helps with your personal finances


Language:Python 100.0%