edmooney / speed-reader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Speed Reader

A Firefox extension to help you read faster and more thoroughly.


Install it here: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/speed-reader/

All aspects of how it looks are customisable in the options.

There are other extensions that do the same, but none for Firefox that doesn't require signing in.


Simply select the text you want to speed-read and click the extension button.


Button Action
Spacebar Toggle pause
Escape Close it
Arrow Up Speed Up
Arrow Down Speed Down
Arrow Left Previous word (useful when paused)
Arrow Right Next word (useful when paused)

You can also click anywhere on the background to close it.



yarn start

There is a sample html file so that it is not necessary to test it in the context of a Firefox extension.

Run tests with:

yarn test


yarn build

Creates a build/speed-reader.js file that's ready to be executed.

It is possible to simply add that file as a bookmarklet to achieve the same result as installing the extension.



Language:TypeScript 64.6%Language:HTML 30.0%Language:Less 2.4%Language:JavaScript 2.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%