edlime / obsidian-templates

Obsidian templates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Obsidian Templates

A collection of templates and scripts for Obsidian.md.


  • Prompts to enter a title before a file is created (people-template.md and meeting-template.md)
  • Predefined frontmatter
  • Yesterday and Tomorrow links in daily-template.md that create the target file if it doesn't exist
  • Embeds current weather in daily-template.md using wttr.in




  1. Put the templates in a dedicated folder in your vault
  2. Configure Templater to read this folder.
  3. In Templater settings, enable folder templates and add folders that you want a specific template to be triggered.
  4. Open daily-template.md and replace <your-target-city> with your target city, e.g. Paris.


  • Create dashboards and track your habits


Templates are inspired from other people's templates with added functionality to satisfy my use cases.