edhenry / minerl

The MineRL Competition

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The MineRL Competition!

Development Environment

Landon has been using a Windows VDI to get into the lab environment and then SSHing into a GPU server where he runs code on a docker container.


We have two C4130 servers each with

  • 4x P100 GPUs
  • 72 CPU Cores
  • 515 GB of Memory
  • ~1.2 TB of SSD(soon to be > 5 TB)

The servers are named GPU1 and GPU2 located at and


Landon has been using a Pytorch docker container to run and develop code!

Example docker container

NV_GPU=0 nvidia-docker run --cpus="6" -m="112g" --rm -ti --ipc=host -p 4000:800 --mount type=bind,src=/home/landon_chambers@SAAS.LOCAL/minerl,dst=/workspace e19f3b87dbf3

  • NV_GPU=0 isolates GPU 0. To isolate two GPUS, you could use NV_GPU=1,2 for example.
  • restricted to 6 cpus and 112GB of memory
  • port 800 on the docker container will talk to port 4000 on the server.
  • I 'bind' a mounted drive on the server to a drive on the docker container. This is needed so I can SSH into the server with my windows VDI and develop in VS Code!
  • Image e19f3b87dbf3 is pytorch image that I pulled from Docker Hub

The container has Ubuntu OS 16.04 so remember to use Debian commands!

Additional Installations for Container

We need to create a self-contained Dockerfile! In the meantime, here are some additional commands that Landon needed to run within the cointainer linux environment to do the helloworld tutorial.

install jdk 1.8 on ubuntu

apt-get update
apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

install minerl package (takes about 5 minutes)

pip install minerl

install xorg (Landon's crutch for getting xvfb to work)

apt-get install xorg openbox

install xvfb for rendering in headless server

apt-get install xvfb

test run-xvfb (should give some output)

xvfb-run -s "-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24" xvinfo

Example: run script that builds minerl environment

xvfb-run -s "-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24" python helloworld.py

Set env variable that locates data directory

export MINERL_DATA_ROOT="/workspace/data"

Develop from Windows VDI

Landon is doing everything in VS Code. It's great! I have my python code, server terminal, and container terminal all on one screen :)

Here are some high-level instructions for using VS Code with an SSH Tunnel to a server Follow instructions here and see Landon's notes below.

  • Installed Git for Windows for OpenSSH compatible SSH client
  • Installed the Remote Development extension pack using the extension installer in VS Code
  • Enabled the "show terminal" setting for the Remote Development extension and used ssh password to login to server.


The MineRL Competition