edhager / stores

:rocket: Data stores for Dojo 2.

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This library provides an application store designed to complement @dojo/widgets and @dojo/widget-core or any other reactive application.

WARNING This is alpha software. It is not yet production ready, so you should use at your own risk.


To use @dojo/stores, install the package along with its required peer dependencies:

npm install @dojo/stores

# peer dependencies
npm install @dojo/core
npm install @dojo/has
npm install @dojo/shim


  • Application state store designed to work with a reactive component architecture
  • Out of the box support for asynchronous commands
  • All state operations are recorded per process and undoable via a process callback
  • Supports the optimistic pattern with the ability to roll back on a failure
  • Fully serializable operations and state


Dojo 2 stores is a predictable, consistent state container for Javascript applications with inspiration from Redux and Flux architectures. However Dojo 2 stores aims to provide more built in support for common patterns such as asynchronous behaviors, undo support and more!

Managing state can become difficult to coordinate when an application becomes complicated with multiple views, widgets, components and models. With each of these attempting to update attributes of state at varying points within the application lifecycle things can get confusing. When state changes are hard to understand and/or non-deterministic it becomes increasingly difficult to identify and reproduce bugs or add new features.

Dojo 2 stores provides a centralized store, designed to be the single source of truth for an application. It operates using uni-directional data flow. This means all application data follows the same lifecycle, ensuring the application logic is predictable and easy to understand.


To work with the Dojo 2 store there are three core but simple concepts - Operations, Commands and Processes.

  • Operation
    • Granular instructions to manipulate state based on JSON Patch
  • Command
    • Simple functions that ultimately return operations needed to perform the required state change
  • Process
    • A function that executes a group of commands that usually represent a complete application behavior


Operations are the raw instructions the store uses to make modifications to the state. The operations are based on the JSON Patch and JSON Pointer specifications that have been customized specifically for Dojo 2 stores, primarily to prevent access to the state's root.

Each operation is a simple object which contains instructions with the OperationType, path and optionally the value (depending on operation).

const operations = [
	{ op: OperationType.ADD, path: new JsonPointer('/foo'), value: 'foo' },
	{ op: OperationType.REPLACE, path: new JsonPointer('/bar'), value: 'bar' },
	{ op: OperationType.REMOVE, path: new JsonPointer('/qux') },

Dojo 2 stores provides a helper package that can generate PatchOperation objects from @dojo/stores/state/operations:

  • add - Returns a PatchOperation of type OperationType.ADD for the path and value
  • remove - Returns a PatchOperation of type OperationType.REMOVE for the path
  • replace - Returns a PatchOperation of type OperationType.REPLACE for the path and value

These function accept a Path type. This is returned by the path and at methods on a store. More often this will be created using the path and at functions provided as part of the arguments to a command, which are described in more detail below. Rather than accepting a full string path, the path and at functions accept a series of arguments and provide type checking to verify that the path created actually exists on the state object.


Commands are simply functions which are called internally by the store when executing a Process and return an array of PatchOperations that tells the store what state changes needs to be performed.

Each command is passed a CommandRequest which provides path and at functions to generate Paths in a typesafe way, a get function for access to the store's state, and a payload object which contains an array of the arguments that the process executor was called with.

The get function returns back state for a given Path, for example get(path('my', 'deep', 'state')) or get(at(path('my', 'array', 'item'), 9)).

function addTodoCommand({ at, path, get, payload }: CommandRequest) {
	const todosPath = path('todos');
	const length = get(todosPath).length;
	const operations = [
		add(at(todosPath, length), payload[0])

	return operations;

function calculateCountsCommand({ get, path }: CommandRequest) {
	const todos = get(path('todos'));
	const completedTodos = todos.filter((todo: any) => todo.completed);
	const operations = [
		replace(path('activeCount'), todos.length - completedTodos.length),
		replace(path('completedCount'), completedTodos.length)	

	return operations;

A Command, or the CommandRequest argument to it, can be provided with a generic that indicates the type of the state of the store they are intended to target. This will provide type checking for all calls to path and at, ensuring that the operations will be targeting real properties of the store, and providing type inference for the return type of get. In order to avoid typing each Command explicitly, a CommandFactory can be created that will pass its generic type onto all commands it creates. Creating commands using a factory is essentially the same as creating them without one. It is simply a convenience to avoid repeating the same type for each command.

interface Todo {
	completed: boolean;
	label: string;

interface TodoState {
	todos: Todo[];
	activeCount: number;
	completdCount: number;

const createCommand = createCommandFactory<TodoState>();

const addTodoCommand = createCommand(({ at, get, path, payload }) => {
	const todos = get(path('todos'));
	// const todos = get(path('todoes')); Fails to compile because `todoes` is not a property on the state
	// const value = todos + 3;  Fails to compile because todos is typed as inferred to be an array of `Todo` objects
	const operations = [
		// Using the utilities provided by the `operations` module ensures that the paths provided are valid,
		// and that the values being added or replaced are of the appropriate type
		add(at(path('todos'), todos.length), payload[0])

	return operations;

const calculateCountsCommand = createCommand(({ get, path }) => {
	const todos = get(path('todos'));
	const completedTodos = todos.filter((todo: any) => todo.completed);
	const operations = [
		replace(path('activeCount'), todos.length - completedTodos.length),
		replace(path('completedCount'), completedTodos.length)
	return operations;

Important: Access to state root is not permitted and will throw an error, for example get(path('/')). This applies for Operations also, it is not possible to create an operation that will update the state root.

Asynchronous Commands

Commands support asynchronous behavior out of the box simply by returning a Promise<PatchOperation[]>.

async function postTodoCommand({ get, path, payload: [ id ] }: CommandRequest): Promise<PatchOperation[]> {
	const response = await fetch('/todos');
	if (!response.ok) {
		throw new Error('Unable to post todo');
	const json = await response.json();
	const todos = get(path('todos'));
	const index = findIndex(todos, byId(id));
	// success
	return [
		replace(at(path('todos'), index), { ...todos[index], loading: false, id: data.uuid })


A Process is the construct used to execute commands against a store instance in order to make changes to the application state. Processes are created using the createProcess factory function that accepts an array of commands and an optional callback that can be used to manage errors thrown from a command. The optional callback receives an error object and a result object. The error object contains the error stack and the command that caused the error. The result object contains the payload passed to the process, a function to undo the operations of the process and a function to execute an additional process.

The array of Commands are executed in sequence by the store until the last Command is completed or a Command throws an error. These processes often represent an application behavior. For example adding a todo in a simple todo application which will be made up with multiple discreet commands.

A simple process to add a todo and recalculate the todo count:

const addTodoProcess = createProcess([ addTodoCommand, calculateCountCommand ]);

A callback can be provided which will be called when an error occurs or the process is successfully completed:

function addTodoProcessCallback(error, result) {
	if (error) {
		// do something with the error
		// possibly run the `undo` function from result to rollback the changes up to the
		// error
	// possible additional state changes by running another process using result.executor(otherProcess)

const addTodoProcess = createProcess([ addTodoCommand, calculateCountCommand ], addTodoProcessCallback);

The Process creates a deferred executor by passing the store instance addTodoProcess(store) which can be executed immediately by passing the payload addTodoProcess(store)(arg1, arg2) or more often passed to your widgets and used to initiate state changes on user interactions. The payload arguments passed to the executor are passed to each of the Process's commands in a payload argument

const addTodoExecutor = addTodoProcess(store);

addTodoExecutor('arguments', 'get', 'passed', 'here');

Initial State

Initial state can be defined on store creation by executing a Process after the store has been instantiated.

// Command that creates the basic initial state
const initialStateCommand = createCommand({ path }) => {
	return [
		add(path('todos'), []),
		add(path('currentTodo'), ''),
		add(path('activeCount'), 0),
		add(path('completedCount'), 0)

const initialStateProcess = createProcess([ initialStateCommand ]);

// creates the store, initializes the state and runs the `getTodosProcess`.
const store = createStore();
// if a process contains an async command, like fetching initial data from a remote service the return promise can be used
// to control the flow.
getTodosProcess(store)().then(() => {
	// do things once the todos have been fetched.

How does this differ from Redux

Although Dojo 2 stores is a big atom state store, you never get access to the entire state object. To access the sections of state that are needed we use pointers to return the slice of state that is needed i.e. path('path', 'to', 'state'). State is never directly updated by the user, with state changes only being processed by the operations returned by commands.

There is no concept of reducers, meaning that there is no confusion about where logic needs to reside between reducers and actions. Commands are the only place that state logic resides and return operations that dictate what state changes are required and processed internally by the store.

Additionally, this means that there is no need to coordinate actions and reducers using a string action key. Commands are simple function references that can be reused in multiple processes.


Subscribing to store changes

To be notified of changes in the store, use the onChange() function, which takes a path or an array of path's and a callback for when that portion of state changes, for example:

store.onChange(store.path('foo', 'bar'), () => {
	// do something when the state at foo/bar has been updated.


	store.path('foo', 'bar'),
], () => {
	// do something when the state at /foo/bar or /baz has been updated.

In order to be notified when any changes occur within the store's state, simply register to the stores .on() for a type of invalidate passing the function to be called.

store.on('invalidate', () => {
	// do something when the store's state has been updated.

Undo Processes

The store records undo operations for every Command, grouped by its Process. The undo function is passed as part of the result argument in the Process callback.

function processCallback(error, result) {

The undo function will rollback all the operations that were performed by the process.

Note: Each undo operation has an associated test operation to ensure that the store is in the expected state to successfully run the undo operation, if the test fails then an error is thrown and no changes are performed.

Transforming Executor Arguments

An optional transformer can be passed to the createExecutor function that will be used to parse the arguments passed to the executor.

function transformer(...payload: any[]): any {
	return { id: uuid(), value: payload[0] };

const executor = process(state, transformer);


Each Command will be passed the result of the transformer as the payload for example: { id: 'UUID-VALUE', value }

Optimistic Update Pattern

Optimistic updating can be used to build a responsive UI despite interactions that might take some time to respond, for example saving to a remote resource.

In the case of adding a todo item for instance, with optimistic updating we can immediately add the todo before we even make a request to the server and avoid having an unnatural waiting period or loading indicator. When the server responds we can then reconcile the outcome based on whether it is successful or not.

In the success scenario, we might need to update the added Todo item with an id that was provided in the response from the server, and change the color of the Todo item to green to indicate it was successfully saved.

In the error scenario, it might be that we want to show a notification to say the request failed, and turn the Todo item red, with a "retry" button. It's even possible to revert/undo the adding of the Todo item or anything else that happened in the process.

const handleAddTodoErrorProcess = createProcess([ () => [ add('/failed', true) ]; ]);

function addTodoCallback(error, result) {
	if (error) {

const addTodoProcess = createProcess([
  • addTodoCommand: Adds the new todo into the application state
  • calculateCountsCommand: Recalculates the count of completed and active todo items
  • postTodoCommand: posts the todo item to a remote service and using the process callback we can make changes if there is a failure
    • on failure: the previous two commands are reverted and the failed state field is set to true
    • on success: Returns operations that update the todo item id field with the value received from the remote service
  • calculateCountsCommand: Runs again after the success of postTodoCommand

To support "pessimistic" updates to the application state, i.e. wait until a remote service call has been completed before changing the application state simply put the async command before the application store update. This can be useful when performing a deletion of resource, when it can be surprising if item is removed from the UI "optimistically" only for it to reappear back if the remote service call fails.

function byId(id: string) {
	return (item: any) => id === item.id;

async function deleteTodoCommand({ get, payload: [ id ] }: CommandRequest) {
    const { todo, index } = find(get('/todos'), byId(id))
    await fetch(`/todo/${todo.id}`, { method: 'DELETE' } );
    return [ remove(`/todos/${index}`) ];

const deleteTodoProcess = createProcess([ deleteTodoCommand, calculateCountsCommand ]);

Note: The process requires the counts to be recalculated after successfully deleting a todo, the process above shows how easily commands can be shared and reused.

Executing concurrent commands

A Process supports concurrent execution of multiple commands by specifying the commands in an array when creating the process:

const myProcess = createProcess([ commandOne, [ concurrentCommandOne, concurrentCommandTwo ], commandTwo ]);

In this example, commandOne is executed, then both concurrentCommandOne and concurrentCommandTwo are executed concurrently. Once all of the concurrent commands are completed the results are applied in order before continuing with the process and executing commandTwo.

Note: Concurrent commands are always assumed to be asynchronous and resolved using Promise.all.

Decorating Processes

The Process callback provides a hook to apply generic/global functionality across multiple or all processes used within an application. This is done using higher order functions that wrap the process' local callback using the error and result payload to decorate or perform an action for all processes it is used for.

Dojo 2 stores provides a simple UndoManager that collects the undo function for each process onto a single stack and exposes an undoer function that can be used to undo the last process executed. If the local undo function is called then it will be automatically removed from the managers stack.

import { createProcess } from '@dojo/stores/process';
import { createUndoManager } from '@dojo/stores/extras';

const { undoCollector, undoer } = createUndoManager();
// if the process doesn't need a local callback, the collector can be used without.
const myProcess = createProcess([ commandOne, commandTwo ], undoCollector());
const myOtherProcess = createProcess([ commandThree, commandFour ], undoCollector());

// running `undeor` will undo the last process executed, that had registered the `collector` as a callback.

callback decorators can be composed together to combine multiple units of functionality, such that in the example below myProcess would run the error and result through the collector, logger and then snapshot callbacks.

const myProcess = createProcess([ commandOne, commandTwo ], collector(logger(snapshot())));

Decorating Multiple Processes

Specifying a callback decorator on an individual process explicitly works for targeted behavior but can become cumbersome when the decorator needs to be applied across multiple processes throughout the application.

The createProcessWith higher order function can be used to specify callback decorators that need to be applied across multiple processes. The function accepts an array of callback decorators and returns a new createProcess factory function that will automatically apply the decorators to any process that it creates.

const customCreateProcess = createProcessWith([ undoCollector, logger ]);

// `myProcess` will automatically be decorated with the `undoCollector` and `logger` callback decorators.
const myProcess = customCreateProcess([ commandOne, commandTwo ]);

An additional helper function createCallbackDecorator can be used to turn a simple ProcessCallback into a decorator that ensures the passed callback is executed after the decorating callback has been run.

const myCallback = (error: ProcessError, result: ProcessResult) => {
	// do things with the outcome from the process

// turns the callback into a callback decorator
const myCallbackDecorator = createCallbackDecorator(myCallback);

// use the callback decorator as normal
const myProcess = createProcess([ commandOne ], myCallbackDecorator());

How do I contribute?

We appreciate your interest! Please see the Dojo 2 Meta Repository for the Contributing Guidelines.

Code Style

This repository uses prettier for code styling rules and formatting. A pre-commit hook is installed automatically and configured to run prettier against all staged files as per the configuration in the projects package.json.

An additional npm script to run prettier (with write set to true) against all src and test project files is available by running:

npm run prettier


To start working with this package, clone the repository and run npm install.

In order to build the project run grunt dev or grunt dist.


Test cases MUST be written using Intern using the Object test interface and Assert assertion interface.

90% branch coverage MUST be provided for all code submitted to this repository, as reported by istanbul’s combined coverage results for all supported platforms.

To test locally in node run:

grunt test

To test against browsers with a local selenium server run:

grunt test:local

To test against BrowserStack or Sauce Labs run:

grunt test:browserstack


grunt test:saucelabs

Licensing information

TODO: If third-party code was used to write this library, make a list of project names and licenses here

© 2017 JS Foundation. New BSD license.


:rocket: Data stores for Dojo 2.



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