edgedb / mcu-sandbox

A movie schema sandbox for playing with EdgeDB and the EdgeQL query builder, pre-loaded with MCU data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The EdgeDB MCU sandbox šŸ¦¹

This is a sandbox for playing with EdgeDB and the EdgeQL query builder.

It includes a simple movie database schema (dbschema/default.esdl) and a sample dataset (seed.ts) containing the movies and shows in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (last update: July 2022).


1. Install the EdgeDB CLI

# macOS/Linux
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.edgedb.com | sh

# windows
$ iwr https://ps1.edgedb.com -useb | iex

2. Clone the repo

$ git clone git@github.com:edgedb/mcu-sandbox.git
$ cd mcu-sandbox

3. Initialize the EdgeDB project

edgedb project init

Then follow the prompts. This step spins up a local EdgeDB instance and applies the migrations inside dbschema/migrations.

4. Setup project

$ npm install           # install dependencies
$ npx edgeql-js         # generate query builder
$ npx tsx seed.ts       # seed the database

5. Start writing queries!

Write a query in script.ts and execute it like so:

$ npm run dev

This starts a watcher, so every time you update and save script.ts, the script will be re-run.

Evolving the schema

  1. Update the schema in dbschema/default.esdl
  2. Generate a new migration with edgedb migration create
  3. Follow the interactive prompts
  4. Apply the migration with edgedb migrate
  5. Regenerate the query builder with npx edgeql-js

File structure

The sandbox is a simple project designed to showcase the query builder.

  • script.ts - a simple script you can update to play with the query builder
  • dbschema/default.esdl - the schema file
  • dbschema/migrations - the migrations directory
  • dbschema/edgeql-js - the default location of the generated query builder


A movie schema sandbox for playing with EdgeDB and the EdgeQL query builder, pre-loaded with MCU data


Language:TypeScript 100.0%