edgardeng / TFLite-Android

Android demo for tensorflow lite

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TF Lite Android App

Android Demo for Tensorflow Lite build from Tensorflow

How to run

  1. install Android Studio

  2. git clone https://github.com/edgardeng/TFLite-Android.git

  3. Open . And choose this project

How to build aar

  1. git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git

  2. cd tensorflow

  3. [Edit your WORKSPACE]

  4. bazel build --cxxopt='--std=c++11' -c opt --fat_apk_cpu=armeabi-v7a //tensorflow/contrib/lite/java:tensorflow-lite

  5. if bazel not use, please install bazel

Building from Source with Bazel

  1. Follow the Bazel steps for the TF Demo App:

  2. Install Bazel and Android Prerequisites. It's easiest with Android Studio.

    • You'll need at least SDK version 23.
    • Make sure to install the latest version of Bazel. Some distributions ship with Bazel 0.5.4, which is too old.
    • Bazel requires Android Build Tools 26.0.1 or higher.
    • Bazel is incompatible with NDK revisions 15 and above, with revision 16 being a compile-breaking change. Download an older version manually instead of using the SDK Manager.
    • You also need to install the Android Support Repository, available through Android Studio under Android SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> Android Support Repository.
  3. Edit your WORKSPACE to add SDK and NDK targets.

    NOTE: As long as you have the SDK and NDK installed, the ./configure script will create these rules for you. Answer "Yes" when the script asks to automatically configure the ./WORKSPACE.

    • Make sure the api_level in WORKSPACE is set to an SDK version that you have installed.
    • By default, Android Studio will install the SDK to ~/Android/Sdk and the NDK to ~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle (but the NDK should be a manual download until Bazel supports NDK 16. See bullet points under (1)).
  4. Build the app with Bazel. The demo needs C++11:

bazel build -c opt --cxxopt='--std=c++11' \
  bazel build -c opt --cxxopt='--std=c++11' \

  bazel build //tensorflow/contrib/lite/java::tensorflowlite_java

// Building tensorflow-lite.aar
  bazel build --cxxopt='--std=c++11' -c opt --fat_apk_cpu=x86,x86_64,arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a \

bazel build --cxxopt='--std=c++11' -c opt --fat_apk_cpu=armeabi-v7a //tensorflow/contrib/lite/java:tensorflow-lite


3. Install the demo on a
 [debug-enabled device](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/examples/android#install):

adb install bazel-bin/tensorflow/contrib/lite/java/demo/app/src/main/TfLiteCameraDemo.apk


Android demo for tensorflow lite


Language:Java 97.3%Language:Python 2.7%