ederssouza / react-typescript-boilerplate

A React Boilerplate with TypeScript for SPA projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React TypeScript Boilerplate

What is inside?

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:5173 with your browser to see the result.


  • dev: starts the application in development mode;
  • build: creates the production version;
  • preview: initializes a local static web server that serves files from the dist directory (this is an easy way to verify that the production build is working correctly);
  • lint: runs linter on all files that are in the configuration rule;
  • lint:fix: runs linter and fixes all files that are in the configuration rule;
  • typecheck: checks if the file types are correct;
  • test: runs unit and integration tests;
  • test:watch: runs unit and integration tests in listening mode;
  • coverage-test: runs unit and integration tests and generates a code coverage report;
  • coverage-test:watch: runs unit and integration tests and generates a code coverage report in listen mode;
  • generate:component: creates basic structure of a component;
  • generate:hook: creates the basic structure of a hook.


A React Boilerplate with TypeScript for SPA projects


Language:JavaScript 44.9%Language:TypeScript 24.0%Language:Handlebars 22.7%Language:HTML 7.1%Language:Shell 1.3%