eddydg / nodejs_server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Node.JS Server

DevOps - I:

This readme help you to build and run the current part of the project. Slides: http://slides.com/adrienfenech/mti-devops/fullscreen

Using command line and Dockerfile:

Firstly, build the project

docker build -t username/nodejs_server .

In this command, you specify a tag to retrieve a specific build, and use . to specify that the current directory contains the Dockerfile.

then, run it:

docker run -i -p 80:8080 --name=nodejs_server username/nodejs_server

With this command, you tell docker to keep an interactive mode with -i which lets you execute command if needed. In this case, you can see that the server is running, and simply ctrl + c to kill it if needed.

You also specify you want to bind the port 8080 used by the container (see Dockerfile -> EXPOSE 8080 & server.js which listen on port 8080) with the port 80 of the host (your machine) using the option -p.

Finally, you named your container to easily retrieve it.

After you have launched the container, you can see it running with the command docker ps. You can also list each container you already build & run with docker ps -a and see there current status. Then, you can stop one (docker stop <image_name>) or remove one (docker rm <image_name>).

Using docker-compose:

You can also build and run this project with docker-compose. For this, use:

docker-compose up

This command will build and run each application contains by the docker-compose.yml file. You can also specify option like -d to run the image in detached mode.

Access to the page using navigator

For those who are running on Windows, you cannot access to the server via localhost. In fact, the docker-machine on which you are running created a specific environment which can be accessed with an ip address. To find it, use

docker-machine ip

DevOps - II:

This readme help you to build and run the current part of the project. Slides: http://slides.com/adrienfenech/devops_tp1/fullscreen

Part 1

Fork this repo :)

Part 2

Create a new branch and switch on it:

git branch dev
git checkout dev

Create an account on DockerHub,. Go to create -> create automated build. Select the project's repo from your github account and replace the master branch by the dev one.

###Part 3

Create an account on CircleCI. Create new project using your repo. Add the circle.yml file as the root of your project

# Specify that we will use docker
    - docker

# Specify that we will firstly run our project (in daemon mode)
# and finally use mocha to run the test suit.
    - docker-compose up -d
    - mocha

Part 4

Check the test.js file inside the test directory.

Part 5

Go to the build settings of your Docker Hub project Uncheck "When active, builds will happen automatically on pushes" Click on "Activte Triggers" Go to the Project Settings -> Environment Variables Create new varaible with:

  • Key : DEPLOY
  • Value : curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"build": true}' -X POST <Trigger URL> with <Trigger URL> the url from Docker Hub Triggers.

Fix your circle.yml file:

# Specify that we will use docker
    - docker

# Specify that we will firstly run our project (in daemon mode)
# and finally use mocha to run the test suit.
    - docker-compose up -d
    - mocha

# Specify to execute the $DEPLOY command for the deployment
    branch: dev
      - $DEPLOY



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