eddieantonio / project-useful-monorepo

All of the code for Project Useful

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Project Useful Monorepo

All my scripts and things for Project Useful. The cryptic title is half for fun, and half because I lack creativity.

This borrows from the data collected from project-antipatterns.

Installation Requirements

  • Python 3.8+. I use Python 3.8 on the Blackbox server and Python 3.11 on my own laptop.
  • Poetry


NOTE: This step can be skipped if running the data collection code on the Blackbox server.

$ poetry install

The only scripts that require external Python dependencies (and hence, require the above step) are:

  • enhance-using-llms.py
  • rate-pems.py

If you need to do data-analysis, you will also have to this:

$ poetry install --with data-analysis

Recommended: if you are committing *.ipynb files, you shouid install nbstripout:

$ poetry run nbstripout --install

This must be run after running poetry install --with data-analysis

Using rate-pems.py

Note, you will need to run poetry install to make this work (see above).

You will need the following files in your current working directory:

  • sample.pickle
  • llm.pickle
  • decaf.pickle
  • {yourname}-assignnments.tsv

Then to run rate-pems.py, you can use the following command:

poetry run python3 rate-pems.py

You should be presented with a source code listing, and an error message, and a series of questions about that error message.


Blackbox Mini

These files allow you to explore the data in Blackbox Mini. These should be run on white.bluej.org:

  • bbm-list -- list versions of a file in Blackbox Mini
  • bbm-view -- show a file at a particular version in Blackbox Mini

Data collection

NOTE: You will need to obtain errors.sqlite3 separately, as this was collected during project-antipatterns.

  • create-useful-database.py -- reads errors.sqlite3 and creates a new database of "eligible" programming error messages
  • create-pem-index.py -- reads useful.sqlite3 and creates an index from programming error message category to the files/versions that induce that PEM.
  • sample-pem-index.py -- reads pem-index.pickle and prints a small sample of files/versions that induce a PEM category. This sample can be interpreted as a TSV file.
  • pickle-sample.py -- reads sample.tsv and collects source code and PEMs for all of the scenarios and stores them in sample.pickle. This file must be run on the Blackbox server!
  • enhance-using-llm.py -- reads sample.pickle and enhances the error messages using the OpenAI API. This script costs you money! The output is a messy directory structure called llm/.
  • pickle-llm-results.py -- takes the llm/ directory structure, and creates llm.pickle, which is a much more easy-to-use version of the same information.
  • enhance-using-decaf.py -- reads sample.pickle and enhances the error messages using the Decaf CLI. The output is decaf.pickle. You will need the decaf-cli.jar, obtainable here.
  • create-assignments.py -- assign PEMs for each rater to rate for either the pilot set or the full set
  • combine-answers.py -- combine answers from all raters

Interactive scripts

  • rate-pems.py is an interactive TUI application, intended to collect judgements about PEM quality.

Other info

I have copy-pasted a few files from project-antipatterns, which is in the project_antipatterns package.


NOTE: a lot of this code says scenario when I meant to say context!

  • unit: a Java source code file from Blackbox Mini taken at a particular version.
  • context: (also code context) Java source code that produces at least programming error message.
  • scenario: a context paired with a programming error message. This programming error message could have been generated from one of the four variants under examination.
  • sample: a random sample of eligible contexts.
  • PEM category: a collection of clustered programming error messages. These somewhat correspond to the javac's internal error IDs, however there some of these IDs have been broken down into multiple categories.
  • variant: one of javac, Decaf, GPT-4 (error-only), or GPT-4 (with code context).
  • rater: an expert in charge of rating programming error messages.


All code Copyright © 2022, 2023 Eddie Antonio Santos. AGPL-3.0 Licensed.


All of the code for Project Useful

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 62.0%Language:Jupyter Notebook 37.3%Language:Shell 0.6%