edalonzoh90 / AWS-CICD

Instructions to create a CICD pipeline in AWS

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Instructions to create my first CICD pipeline in AWS
Based on devops with aws tutorial


To upload your code in a CodeCommit repository.

Create new user

From IAM/Users - Create a new user
Username: CICD-User

  • Access Key
  • Password

From the group tab - Create a group
Group name: Admin
Policies/policie name: AdministratorAccess

Click on Create user and Download .csv

Upload the source code to CodeCommit

From the CodeCommit option - Create

Generate git credentials

From the new user detail - Security credentials/Https Git Credentials/Generate credentials

Upload the source code to CodeCommit

From the CodeCommit option - Create repository
Name: cicd-repo

Using git commands, and the CICD-User credentials upload cicd-demo folder in the Code commit repository.


From Codebuild - Create build project
Name: DevOpsAppBuild
Source Provider: AWS CodeCommit
Repository: cicd-repo
Reference Type: branch
Branch: master
Environent: Managed Image
Operating system: Amazon Linux 2
Runtime: Standard
Image: Pick the last
Image Version: Always use the latest image for this runtime version
Environment type: Linux
Service role: New service role
Build spec: Use a buildspec file - (to use the buildspec.yml in the repo)

Click on Create Build Project
Into the Build Project - Start build


To create artifacts from the build, following code was added to the bottom of buildspec.yml file
from aws documentation

    - '**/*'
  name: DevOpsAppArtifact

From S3 Bucket - Create new Bucket
Name: cicddevopsartifacts

From DevOpsAppBuild project - Edit Artifacts
Type: Amazon S3
BucketName: cicddevopsartifacts
NameSpace Type: Build ID
Artifacts packaging: Zip
Click on Update Artifact

From DevOpsAppBuild project - Start build
After build ends, the new artifact should be added to cicddevopsartifacts bucket


To do the deployment it's necesary to create the EC2 instances.

From IAM Dashboard/Roles - Create Role
Common use case: EC2
Policies: AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
Role name: EC2RoleForCodeDeploy

From EC2 Dashboard/Instances - Launch instance
Name: DevServer
Key Pair: - Create new key pair
Key pair name: cicd-rsa
Download the .pem file

Advanced Details
IAM instance profile: EC2RoleForCodeDeploy

To connect to the EC2 Instance

From a linux terminal, with the ssh client installed -
ssh -i "path to the .pem file" ec2-user@IPv4-public-dns

ssh -i "CICD-DEPLOY.pem" ec2-user@ec2-35-170-197-215.compute-1.amazonaws.com

*** In case of getting a bad permissions error, run the following command:

chmod 400 CICD-DEPLOY.pem  

From the ssh session, run following command to install the codedploy agent:

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y ruby wget
wget https://aws-codedeploy-eu-west-1.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/latest/install
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
sudo service codedeploy-agent status

*** This step can be replaced by adding the above code in the User Data field in the EC2 creation. Adding following code in the first line



It's necesary to setup an aws cli profile, create a new S3 bucket and enable versioning in it.

From Linux terminal

aws configure --profile aws-devops
aws s3 mb s3://aws-devops-cicd-dev --region us-east-1 --profile aws-devops
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket aws-devops-cicd-dev --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled --region us-east-1 --profile aws-devops

It's necessary to upload the code into the S3 bucket, to do that.
From Linux terminal from the folder where the appspec.yml is

aws deploy push --application-name CodeDeployDev --s3-location s3://aws-devops-cicd-dev/codedeploy-dev/app.zip --ignore-hidden-files --region us-east-1 --profile aws-devops

Access key ID: This info it's in the CICD-user_credentials.csv file
Secret access key: This info it's in the CICD-user_credentials.csv file
Region: us-east-1
Output: json

From IAM Dashboard/Roles - Create Role
Use case for other services: CodeDeploy/CodeDeploy
Role name: CodeDeployRole

From CodeDeploy - Create application
Application name: CodeDeployDev
Compute platform: EC2/On-premises

From CodeDeployDev - Create deployment group
Deployment group name: DevInstances
Service Role: DevInstances
Environments configuration: Amazon EC2 instances
Key: Name
Value: DevServer
Load balancer: Uncheck

From CodeDeployDev - Create deployment
Deployment group: DevInstances
Revision type: My application is stored in Amazon S3 Revision location: Pick the s3://aws-devops-cicd-dev/codedeploy-dev/app.zip?...

Verifying if the app is up and running

From the EC2/Instances/DevServer/Security groups/Inbound rules - Verify if the port 80 it's enabled for HTTP type, if not add a rule to enable it.
From the EC2/Instances/DevServer - Click on the link to Public IPV4 DNS - The site should be displayed in the browser.


From Pipeline - Create Pipeline
Pipeline name: cicd-pipeline
Advanced settings
Artifact store: Custom location
Bucket: cicddevopsartifacts
Source provider: AWS CodeCommit
Repository name: cicd-repo
Branch name: master
Deploy provider: AWS CodeDeploy
Application name: CodeDeployDev
Deployment group: DevIntances

My first aws pipeline is ready! šŸ„³


Instructions to create a CICD pipeline in AWS


Language:HTML 96.7%Language:Shell 3.3%